Showing: 1 - 10 of 23 RESULTS
Remédios caseiros com app

Home remedies with app

Home remedies with an app: Have you ever heard about these apps that teach you how to make home remedies? It could be an interesting option! …

Quedas X Idosos - Saiba os perigos.

Falls X Elderly – Know the dangers.

In the city of São Paulo alone, in just one year, falls x elderly people increased by almost 35%, check out the greatest dangers. The information was given…

Surto de dengue na Argentina

Dengue outbreak in Argentina

Battling Argentina's biggest dengue outbreak, the country is stepping up the fight by sterilizing mosquitoes with radiation. In this sense, altering the DNA of …

Is burnt food bad for our health?

Find out if burnt food is bad for our health. Eating burnt food every now and then shouldn't cause serious damage to your health, but it can…

Gripe Aviária na Argentina.

Avian flu in Argentina.

Avian flu, also known as avian influenza, is a viral disease that primarily affects birds. But that can also be transmitted to beings …

Combate á Tuberculose.

Fight Tuberculosis.

Next Friday (24th) Health promotes workshops to mark the commemoration of the World Day to Combat Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused…

As melhores opçoes de cardápio para emagrecer.

The best menu options to lose weight.

To begin with, if you intend to follow a healthy diet, check out in this post the best menu options to lose weight. Discover the foods that manage to dribble your …