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To begin with, if you intend to follow a healthy diet, check out in this post the best menu options to lose weight.

Get to know the foods that manage to dribble your hunger, and help you in this process that we know is not easy.

Having that feeling of hunger all day is definitely bad and often leads people to give up the diet because it makes it very painful.

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However, the process of food reeducation and weight loss, with excessive hunger, is usually caused when the chosen menu does not have the foods that guarantee satiety.

As melhores opçoes de cardápio para emagrecer.
The best menu options to lose weight.

In that sense, make yourself feel dissatisfied for a longer period of time.

One option is to make use of fish, eggs, chicken and meat, because they are proteins and have a slower digestion.

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With that, making your hunger take a little longer to return.

In addition, nutrient consumption raises the level of appetite-controlling hormones.

Studies show that people who choose a diet rich in protein eat less throughout the day.

In the case of oats and quinoa, are sources of fiber, these substances make the absorption of carbohydrates slower.

Therefore, the fuel for the body (glucose), gradually arrives in our bloodstream.

Thus, avoiding a spike in the insulin level, which drops quickly, generates hunger.

In case of avocado and chestnuts, having monounsaturated fats, which are those that are good for health, another nutrient that has slow digestion and is a source of energy for our organism.

As melhores opçoes de cardápio para emagrecer.
The best menu options to lose weight.

That said, check out some exclusive menu options per week.

Some options for the week:

Scrambled egg and Minas cheese.

1 slice of oat bread and natural fruit juice.

Yogurt with whey protein and dark chocolate chips.

Watercress salad, red lettuce, bamboo shoots, grated carrots, roasted potatoes with rump onions, lime orange.

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