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fighting the biggest dengue outbreak in Argentina , the country expands the fight by sterilizing mosquitoes with radiation.

In this sense, changing the DNA of insects even before they are released into the wild.

In that year of 2023 alone, the country recorded more than 41,000 cases of the disease transmitted by mosquitoes.

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Standing out at a higher level than the other major outbreaks they had in 2016 and 2020.

According to the biologist of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) Marianela Garcia Alba “This mosquito manages to spread more, due to the increase in temperature in our country and in the world, with the population moving more and more to the South”.

This radiation sterilization has been tested since 2016, weekly sterilizing 10,000 male mosquitoes, intending to increase this number to 500,000.

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The first batch of male mosquitoes will be released in November of this year.

Surto de dengue na Argentina
Dengue outbreak in Argentina

Alba explains that the males are sterilized by ionizing energy, and become sterile, released in the fields when they encounter a wild female, their offspring will not be viable, therefore, the successive release of the males, we will be able to reduce the population of the mosquito vector.

What is Dengue?

THE dengue It is a viral disease transmitted mainly by mosquito bites. aedes aegypti infected.

This mosquito is most active during the day and is common in urban, tropical and subtropical areas around the world.

When an infected mosquito bites a person, the dengue virus enters the bloodstream and multiplies in the body's cells.

After a few days, the infected person may develop symptoms such as high fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, rash, and nausea.

It is not contagious from person to person.

Surto de dengue na Argentina
Dengue outbreak in Argentina

However, the disease can spread quickly in an area where there are many infected mosquitoes and where environmental conditions favor the reproduction of these insects.

It is important to take measures to prevent mosquito proliferation, such as disposing of stagnant water in containers such as tires, plant pots and empty bottles, where mosquitoes lay their eggs.

Using repellents and protective clothing can also help prevent mosquito bites.

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