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In the city of São Paulo alone, in just one year, the falls x seniors increased by almost 35%, check out the biggest dangers.

The information was given by the Municipal Secretary of Health (SMS), which received 13,075 notifications of falls in the age group over 60 in 2022.

While in 2021, 9,671 falls were recorded.

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This was certainly a fact that caught the attention of the Accident Surveillance Information System (Siva) and the Health Surveillance Coordination (Covisa).

In the last four years, from 2019 to 2022, more than 160 thousand people, including the elderly, received some guidance on how to prevent themselves and also what to do in case of a fall.

Quedas X Idosos - Saiba os perigos.
Falls X Elderly – Know the dangers.

All of this, with the ultimate goal of reducing one of the main types of accidents that seniors face over the years.

What is recommended among professionals is the clinical follow-up of osteoporosis, diseases of the locomotor system, visual acuity, changes in nutritional status, sarcopenia (reduced muscle mass strength) and also monitoring of falls.

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fall factors

Falls are a common problem among the elderly and can lead to serious injuries.

There are several steps seniors can take to prevent falls, including:

Practice physical exercises: Exercising regularly can improve muscle strength, balance and flexibility, reducing the risk of falls.

wear proper shoes: Choose shoes with non-slip soles that fit snugly to prevent slipping and tripping.

Keep the house free of obstacles: Remove loose rugs, electrical cords or other objects that could cause tripping.

Properly light the house: Make sure the house is well lit, especially the stairs and hallways.

Quedas X Idosos - Saiba os perigos.
Falls X Elderly – Know the dangers.

Use assistive devices: Use canes, walkers or other mobility aids if needed.

Have a healthy diet: Maintaining a balanced and proper diet helps keep the body strong and healthy.

Be careful when getting out of bed or chair: Get up slowly and carefully, especially if you have been sitting or lying down for a long period of time.

Conduct regular medical checkups: Get regular eye and hearing exams and check medication with your doctor, as some medications can cause dizziness or drowsiness.

These are just a few measures that can be taken to prevent falls.

It is always important to discuss with the doctor about specific measures that should be taken, based on the individual needs of each elderly person.

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