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Did you know that you can consult your PIS/PASEP via your cell phone and you can even transfer your balance to your bank account.

Today it is much easier to consult and transfer your salary allowance balance PIS/PASEP, you can do everything from your cell phone and the best, without leaving the comfort of your home.

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The PIS/PASEP salary bonus was established by law (Supplementary Law No. 7/1970 for PIS) AND (Supplementary Law No. 8/1970 for PASEP), nothing more than a worker's investment fund, a contribution that is paid by the company and public bodies, in an account linked to the worker PIS/PASEP.

O PIS (Social Integration Program), which is paid for by the Federal Savings Bank.

O PASEP (Public Servant Asset Formation Program), this program is paid by the Bank of Brazil.

the money of PIS/PASEP go to the FAT (Worker Support Fund) which is responsible for the salary bonus program and will pay the benefit PIS/PASEP and also unemployment insurance.

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To find out if you are entitled to receive the salary bonus, you need to meet some program rules, such as:

  • Have worked at least 5 years with a formal contract (until the base year of receipt)
  • Have worked at least 30 days a year with a formal contract. (minimum deadline for receipt today)
  • Have a monthly salary cap of up to two minimum wages (Taking into account the value of the minimum wage R$ 1,100.00)
  • Have all the correct registration data in RAIS (Annual List of Social Information)

If you meet these requirements, then you are eligible to receive your salary bonus. PIS/PASEP.


O PIS/PASEP can be withdrawn at the bank branches of the Federal Savings Bank, or if the amount has already been transferred to your bank account, the withdrawal can be made at your branch, if your account is digital, you can withdraw at any branch in the 24hrs network.

To make the withdrawal at the branches of the Federal Savings Bank you will be able to present any personal document with photo, RG, CNH, Military ID, Passport or Functional Card, and your NIS number that will be in your work card which is good to have on hand.

If the worker has the Cashier Citizen Card, he can withdraw his PIS/PASEP directly at the ATM, if you do not have the card, you must go to the cashier with one of the documents mentioned above.

The withdrawal can also be made at the lottery, at any lottery agency, just check the date the payment was made and go to a lottery shop with your document and number NIS.


To check your balance, you will need to have access to the internet, have a cell phone or tablet.


Consult the Bolsa Família calendar.

How to get free pet neutering.

Enter your device's app gallery and search for the app “WORKER BOX” and download the app.

After downloading the application you will need to login, if you already have your account registered, if you are not registered, you can do the same at the time, it will ask for some personal data, such as Full name, Date of birth, CPF and the NIS number and create a password.

To enter the application, you just need to login with your CPF or NIS and your password, after entering the application you will be able to check your balance, check service time, and also add your bank details for transfer.

Today it can also be done in the app "BOX HAS, the same application as emergency aid, in this application you will also need to register and log in.

in the app “BOX HAS” you will be able to see your balance, make transfers, pay boletos, lottery services, phone recharge, generate a virtual card (for internet purchases) and you can also perform the PIX.