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O calendar in payment of PIS/PASEP he was defined and the released dates for Query.

See when you will receive the salary allowance corresponding to year in 2020.

That's right, the value what will be paid out This one year is referring to 2020.

This is because, in last year, O payment he was postponed.

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Ie, no one received O value of allowance.

However, at contrary than many they are thinking, the value will not be paid double this year.

THE prediction is that the corresponding PIS/PASEP The 2021 be paid out only in 2023.

However, the good news is that you will to receive O value this year.

So it will definitely help to relieve a little at bills at the beginning of year.

So let's talk a little bit about who has right The to receive, amounts paid and when begins O payment.

Furthermore, for more information or yet Consult O number of your PIS, you can access the website My INSS.

What amount will be paid?

the value of PIS/PASEP always follow the minimum wage in force in country.

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This year, the value he was stipulated in R$ 1,212.00.

That is, you can to receive O amount, provided you meet all the requirements to have right to allowance.

About the requirements necessary, let's talk further ahead.

Firstly, a calculation basic for to define O amount paid.

Just only share O amount of minimum wage for the the amount in months of year.

In this case, 1212,00 Divided per 12.

O achieved result and the corresponding monthly amount to allowance.

Therefore, it's just you multiply that value for the the amount that you has worked at the year in 2020.

For example, if you worked 10 months, will receive O value in R$1,010.00.

Who is entitled to receive the PIS/PASEP?

Firstly, it is important will know difference between the PIS it's the PASEP.

Although, no is very difficult in to understand.

O PIS It is paid out to the workers of private sector.

that is, who works with CLT.

On the other hand, the PASEP and the amount paid to the public servants.

In this way, for to receive O amount of salary allowance, you need to meet some requirements.

  • Firstly, it is required be registered there is at least 5 years at the PIS/PASEP;
  • To have worked at least one month at the base year in payment, in this case, 2020.
  • be with the registered data correctly in RAIS.
  • receive up to two minimum wages monthly, in this case, R$2,424.00.

The same goes for the PASEP, however, only the public workers receive that value.

Remembering that the PIS It is paid out for the Federal Savings Bank, while the PASEP is paid by Bank of Brazil.

Who has account in one of these banks, receive the value directly at account.

PIS/PASEP 2022 Calendar

Thus, enough stay from eye in the dates in payment for to receive your value.

For those entitled to PIS, O payment it is made of wake up as month in birthday.

On the other hand, the PASEP It is paid out The leave of last number gives registration of employee.

So let's go inform The date in each a.

Furthermore, it is important to know that the values can be withdrawn until the day 29/12/2022, both of PIS how much of PASEP.


  • End of Enrollment 0-1 receive from 15/02/2022
  • 2-3 receive from 17/02/2022
  • 4 receive from 22/02/2022
  • 5 receive from 24/02/2022
  • 6 receive from 15/03/2022
  • 7 receive from 17/03/2022
  • 8 receive from 22/03/2022
  • 9 receive from of 03/24/2022

In turn, the PIS will follow the order of payment:

  • Born in January receive from 08/02/2022
  • February receive from 10/02/2022
  • March receive from 15/02/2022
  • April receive from 17/02/2022
  • May receive from 22/02/2022
  • June receive from 24/02/2022
  • July receive from 15/03/2022
  • August receive from 17/03/2022
  • September receive from 22/03/2022
  • October receive from 24/03/2022
  • November receive from 29/03/2022
  • December receive from 31/03/2022

Finally, now that you know if you will have right The to receive, just wait for the money be available for withdraw.

Also, read also:

Application to download the audio Bible.

How to make free invite on mobile.

It's just to accompany at dates of PIS/PASEP Calendar.