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O Family Scholarship, may undergo a change in its program, benefiting more families and also increasing the value of those who already receive.

O Government announced this Monday that the project to increase beneficiaries and adjust the value of those who already receive, is close to being implemented, according to the Chief Minister of the Government Secretariat Flavia Arruda, the Government has been studying this possibility for a long time, but now due to the pandemic everything has become clearer.

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According to Flavia Arruda, the Government took care of the population's need through the number of requests to receive the Emergency Aid Program, according to her, people who were practically invisible to the Government have now become very visible.

The pandemic showed a side that they couldn't see, of many families that were already in poverty today with the pandemic and the scarcity of services, many families fell into extreme poverty, and this is very serious in the scenario we are experiencing. .

According to Flavia Arruda, everything is being agreed with the Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes, and it will be able to get off the ground in a few months, even if Brazil is not so well financially, it is necessary, according to the Chief Minister.

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“It is not a question of the text of the Chamber or the text of the government. There is no dispute over protagonism, but a practical, necessary and urgent thing, which I think is the expansion not only of the value, but also of the beneficiaries. With this pandemic and emergency aid, millions of Brazilians who were invisible are now seen by the government and we know the need for this expansion of income distribution”, said the minister.

Thousands of people lost their jobs, many even with their only source of income, and this shows the need to be able to benefit more people and families in the program, and according to the minister there can be a change in the program.

But nothing concrete yet, whether or not there will be changes, but since the beginning of the administration, the Government announced that it would go through the program with a fine-tooth comb, in order to fight criminal groups that received the value of the program on behalf of other people.

In 2019, according to the Government, it managed to reduce some of the expenses in the program, reducing fraud and criminal groups, even irregularities in the INSS (National Social Security Institute).


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Bolsa Família Program is a social program aimed at people and families who are in a state of poverty or extreme poverty, so that these people and families can get out of this state of vulnerability and poverty, seeking for these families that they have the right to food, and the access to education and health.

In Brazil, the program benefits 13.9 million families, in addition to the thousands of families that have already benefited from the program and today managed to stabilize in society.

The purpose of the program is to fight hunger, fight poverty, and also to be able to promote access to public services, health, education, food security and social assistance for these vulnerable families.


The main target population of the program is families that are in a state of poverty and extreme poverty, families that are in extreme poverty are those whose monthly income is up to R$ 89.00 per person, and families that are found in the state of poverty are those whose income is from R$ 89.00 to 178.00 per person. It is worth mentioning that poor families necessarily need to have a pregnant woman at home, or children and adolescents between 0 and 17 years old.

Families must be included in the program CadUnique (Single Registry) of the Federal Government.