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O salary allowance it's the old one PIS/PASEP which was extinguished, and today nothing better than receiving help that every worker with a formal contract is entitled to.

O PIS/PASEP was extinguished by the Government, naming the name as salary allowance, and even so, all the requirements that were the PIS/PASEP.

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O salary allowance is instituted by Law nº 7,998/09, and the worker who meets the requirements of the program, may receive up to one minimum wage (R$ 1,100.00) and will be paid according to the CODEFAT, which is passed the value to Federal Savings Bank which pays the worker directly.

THE Federal Savings Bank that the worker pays, if the worker already has an account at Cashier he will already receive his amount directly in his personal account, if he does not have the amount it will go to a digital account, and everything is done under the management of the Ministry of Economy, and the origin of the resources is from the FAT (Worker Support Fund).


To be entitled to this salary allowance, the worker must meet certain requirements of the Ministry of Citizenship.

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  • The worker must be registered with the PIS for at least five years.
  • The worker must have received his monthly remuneration of up to two salaries minimums during the base year, with the monthly amount up to R$ 2,200.00.
  • The worker must have worked for at least 30 days with the portfolio signed by the Legal Entity (CNPJ), in the base year of receipt of the salary allowance.
  • The worker must have his correct data informed by the employer (Company that works or worked) in the RAIS/eSocial (Annual List of Social Information).


According to Law 13.134/15, the salary allowance is paid proportionally to the time worked in the base year for receipt, and is calculated by the months worked multiplied by 1/12 of the minimum wage.

The worker who carried out his activities in the base year for 30 days will only receive an amount of R$ 92.00.

Each month worked is equivalent to 1/12 of the minimum wage, remembering that every 15 days or more will count as a full month.

With the Provisional Measure 1021/2020 of 12/30/2020, the value of the minimum wage is now R$ 1,100.00. (Source: Box)

Check the table with the months worked and values just below.

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  • Worked for 1 month will receive the value of R$ 92.00.
  • Worked for 2 months will receive the value of R$ 184.00.
  • Worked for 3 months will receive the amount of R$ 275.00.
  • Worked for 4 months will receive the amount of R$ 367.00.
  • Worked for 5 months will receive the amount of R$ 459.00.
  • Worked for 6 months will receive the amount of R$ 550.00.
  • Worked for 7 months will receive the amount of R$ 642.00.
  • Worked for 8 months will receive the amount of R$ 734.00.
  • Worked for 9 months will receive the amount of R$ 825.00.
  • Worked for 10 months will receive the amount of R$ 917.00.
  • Worked for 11 months will receive the amount of R$ 1,009.00.
  • Worked for 12 months will receive the amount of R$ 1,100.00.


to get the salary allowance you should look at the payment calendar to check the date that will be available for withdrawal.

And the withdrawal can be in some ways, you can receive it at the agency itself Federal Savings Bank, with your document with photo, if you have the box card “Citizen Card” it can be withdrawn directly at the ATM, or you can also receive it in a digital account created by the company itself. Federal Savings Bank.

To consult how to withdraw or even see the calendar, you can go through the website of CASHIER or through the applicationWorker Cashier”.

To download the application “Worker Cashier” to receive the Salary Allowance click HERE.