Showing: 21 - 30 of 84 RESULTS
Apps para projetar tela no celular

Apps to project screen on cell phone

Over the years, many options have appeared on how to use our cell phones, Apps to project screens on cell phones are one of them. Cell phones are tools…

Aplicativos de Velocímetro

Speedometer Apps

Who hasn't wanted to know how fast they've reached while cycling or running? Speedometer app helps you. It's free, and...

Teste sua visão online

Test your vision online

Test your vision online: As we know our vision is very important and we often have difficulty seeing.Stay here and we will present you with a test …

Assistir Futebol no celular

Watch Football on Mobile

Imagina só, ter app pra assistir futebol no celular de onde estiver? Sensacional né? Tipo, você pode acompanhar os jogos ao vivo, sem TV. Sendo …

App de voz humana para pet

human voice app for pet

If you have a pet, can you imagine what it would be like if you could communicate with it through the human voice app for pets? In that …

App de GPS para caminhões de carga

GPS App for Cargo Trucks

First of all, the GPS App for Cargo Trucks helps you to have better control throughout your journey.

GPS no celular.

GPS on cell phone for motorcyclists

Você sabe qual é a importância de ter GPS no celular para motociclista? então, fique nesse artigo que eu vou te explicar alguns motivos. Contudo, …

App para parar de fumar.

App to stop smoking.

If you suffer from this addiction and want to stop, continue with this article and we will introduce you to an app to stop smoking! So, even knowing that…

Conheça o app Remini

Meet app to edit photos with AI

As we already know, nowadays there are many options that allow us to edit our photos, so Meet app to edit photos with AI, with it, …

Visão Noturna com aplicativos.

Night Vision with apps.

First of all, I'll tell you something: nowadays there are tools to take pictures in night vision with apps. Like, when the light...