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Who has never wanted to know how fast they have reached while cycling or running? speedometer app help you.

It's free, and who doesn't like free things, right?
You just install it and it's ready to use, there's no secret.

And the cool thing is that it shows you the speed of your car in real time.
Like, you no longer need to rely solely on the car dashboard, which can sometimes be a little out of calibration.
It's really good for those who want to always stay within the speed limit and avoid annoying fines.

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Another thing is that some of these apps have a record of your speed history.
This can be very useful to show that you were driving safely, in case an accident or something like that happens.

And the best of all is that you don't need to spend a lot of money on a fancy and complicated-to-install speedometer, all you need is your cell phone and an app.
It's easy to use and super practical.

So, there's no excuse not to have one of these on your cell phone, it's like having a pocket speedometer always at hand.

GPS speedometer

GPS speedometer it is simply sensational!
Tool has many additional functions.

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For example, altimeter, sound meter, and speedometer.
That sound meter measures environmental noise in decibels.
In this sense, using your own cell phone's microphone.

Aplicativos de Velocímetro
Speedometer Apps

already the altimeter measures height using signals sent by the GPS of the phone.
Application has analog and digital speedometer, and shows the physical location of your car on a satellite map, along with its speed.

He uses the GPS from your cell phone to show you the speed of your car in real time, you know?
Without needing that speedometer on the dashboard, which is sometimes a little suspicious.
And the best thing is that it's free and super easy to use, there's no mystery.

Some even have incredible extras, such as recording the history of your trips, so you can be clear of any doubts about speed.
It's a lifesaver for anyone who wants to avoid fines and drive safely.

The user can also be used during a train journey as the speed is 500 miles per hour.

Google Maps

Among the most popular is the Google Maps, if you are already a user you don't need to install any other app.
To access your speed, you first need to navigate to a place, choose the starting point and also the destination.

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After that, the app will show the vehicle's route and speed.
If there are speed restrictions in that area, the Google Maps let you know.


I don't know if you know, but the Waze It also has a speedometer function.
It shows your car's speed in real time while you use the navigation app.

It's like killing two birds with one stone: you don't need an extra speedometer and you can still keep an eye on the speed limit on the road.

If you exceed the limit, the Waze give it a touch to keep you on track.
It's a great way to avoid fines and drive safely.

Download links: Android/iOS

GPS speedometer
Google Maps