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If you have a pet, have you ever imagined what it would be like if you could communicate with them via email? Human voice app for pet?
In this sense, these applications were created to capture the sound of furry and translate them into sentences that humans understand.

All of this is thanks to the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence.
These tools recognize sounds like, meows, grunts and barks.
Therefore, the app transforms these sounds into human language.

In other words, it allows owners to know what their pet is feeling at that moment.
For example: Your wants, emotions and needs.
Additionally, some of the apps have multiple features.

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Including a large database with gestures and the most common behaviors in animals.
However, it also helps its users understand the body language of their customers. pets.

Even more, these tools provide training options, teaching animals with commands and words that are easy to communicate with each other.
Discover some apps now so you can learn how to communicate better with your pets.

Human-Cat Translator

He translates their conversations into the language of the furry.
In addition, it configures the number of sounds from cats and other animals.

In other words, with this tool you will communicate and have a lot of fun with your friends. pets.
O Human-Cat Translator listens to your voice and turns it into meows to get your dog's attention. furry.

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Even more, the platform says it has more than 175 quality samples from 25 different kittens to complete this program.

Performing a sound reading of your voice, it launches meows that are copied with what you say.
In other words, there are six meowing voices in total for the translation.
O app offers 16 high quality cat calls.

App de voz humana para pet
human voice app for pet

Capturing attention right from the start.
For example, these sounds may be birds, with different meows, purring or an angry cat.

You furry and other pets will react to the sounds sent by the app.
In other words, if you notice that your animal is aggressive or distressed, stop immediately.

Despite this, no animal suffered any type of aggression during the test for the program.


Available to iOS and Android, he also translates cats' meows into human language.
Therefore, its function is to perceive the sounds sent by the pet starting from the cell phone.
In this sense, there must be a feedback on initial translations.

That is, if the owner realizes that the application deciphered a meow in a confusing way.
He can then change the version.

And choose some behavior state of the pet that is on the screen.
However, each cat has its own unique way of communicating with its owners through the sounds it makes.

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Additionally, you can train, attracting meows when you realize that the cat is trying to say something.
For example, like meowing when he is near the door or when putting food out.
Like, a meow for “ask for food” or “let him out”.

That is, the Human voice apps for pets turns out to be great tools to help you communicate with your loved ones. furry.

Links to download:

Human-Cat Translator
