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Firstly, in 2022 more than 3 million copies of the Pregnant Woman's Handbook, the 26 states and the Federal District.

This Handbook came considering the current needs of pregnant women, and also of health professionals.

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Launched at the beginning of May the new Pregnant Woman's Handbook it is part of actions developed by the Unified Health System (SUS), improving all maternal and child care.

So, the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Health, has been carrying out the necessary updates in the Pregnant Woman's Handbook, bringing in this sixth edition, some important novelties, serving as a basis for medical follow-up during the gestational period.

Among them important issues such as steps towards a healthier diet during the pregnancy process. Guidelines on oral health and the entire record of dental prenatal consultations.

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Updated information on labor and birth, highlights for father/partner prenatal care.

Also technical content and modern diagramming, curves for monitoring the weight gain of pregnant women updated.

In addition to spaces for filling in the data of readapted exams and vaccines.

With that, Lana Lourdes, Director of the Department of Strategic Programmatic Actions of the Secretariat of Primary Health Care, explained that this booklet is much more organized and came to meet in the best possible way the old demands of health workers in monitoring pregnant women.

For example, more space to fill in, and a place to include the most important information so that the pregnant woman can be monitored in the safest and highest quality possible, throughout the health care network.

In this way, now in 2022 more than 3 million copies will be distributed in 26 states and the Federal District.

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This investment generated the value of R$ 5.7 million, according to Raphael Câmara, many other actions will emerge to provide the best care to mothers throughout Brazil.