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Here we will show you the main differences between humanized birth and normal birth, if you are pregnant, check which one you will choose.

The first thing we should know is that the main difference is that the humanized birth It's the most natural way possible to bring the baby to life, even waiting for the water to break on its own.

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In this sense, without any type of intervention, respecting and going through the entire process naturally.

no longer normal birth What changes is the way it is conducted. In this type of birth, the teachings of classical obstetrics are followed, with some following.

For example, breaking the bag of water and being between 6 and 8 centimeters dilated.

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Now to carry out the humanized birth It is important to make it clear that the pregnant woman needs to have a healthy health condition, be a single, low-risk pregnancy, without any type of complications during prenatal care and be over 37 weeks.

Therefore, for pregnant women who do not meet these requirements and have a high-risk pregnancy, it is recommended that they receive help from interventions.

However, being an imminent 26-week premature baby, where the baby's weight is 500 g, the recommended option is a Cesarean section, as before having immediate contact with your child, he needs to undergo the necessary first care by the pediatrician.

Another birth that requires greater care is that of twins, in which after the first baby is born, it is sometimes necessary to perform an immediate pelvic extraction to reduce complications or it is necessary to use synthetic oxytocin for the arrival of the second baby.

O humanized birth It is not carried out in all hospitals, as not all of them have this structure, nor professionals who carry it out.

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On the other hand, thinking about the risks that mother and child face regardless of the type of birth, the attempt to normal birth With good assistance and common sense, it will always be the best choice for both of you.