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Who doesn't dream of having their car or motorcycle in the garage? We believe that everyone, thinking of you, we can help you on how to participate and buy your vehicle on Auction of cars and motorcycles.


Auction is a way to make cheaper goods that were seized in some irregular way, in traffic blitz, therefore, there are different types of auctions spread around the world.

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Many believe that auctions only have old cars, beat up or with some kind of breakdown, whoever thinks that is wrong, there are many vehicles in good condition, without any type of breakdown, in perfect conditions of use, vehicles whose debts are paid and leave legalized from the auctioneer's yard.

Every year, traffic departments, banks or specific agencies hold these types of auctions, with all types of vehicles, years and models, remembering that they are vehicles that were seized in transit operations or even due to debt with banks and finance companies.

These auctions are a huge chance to fulfill that dream of having your own vehicle, with low cost and diversity of brands, years and models. With that in mind, we can help you find one of these auctions near you.

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Auctions vary according to each region and states of Brazil, but values will always be similar, always being well below the table FIPE (Table Fipe – Economic Research Institute Foundation – Fipe) of vehicles.

How to buy at auction?

Some government agencies, such as Detran, always offer auction opportunities, just consult the Detran of your state and look for the auction tab, check the public notice if there is one near you. The notice contains all information such as location, date and times that will be held.

Banks also usually carry out these types of auctions, to check if your bank is part of this type of auction, enter your bank's website and look for the auction tab, there you will have the notice with all the necessary information.

There are also many online auctions (Auction — Federal Revenue (, the famous online auction, where you have all the security (as long as it's in official bodies), comfort, because you don't have to leave the house to see, or even place your bid.

Auction cars pay off?

What many don't know and think it's cold to enter auction, is that it does have its advantages, apart from the low value, vehicle debts such as IPVA, Fines and all debts that exist in the vehicle, are already paid off from the patio, a great advantage.

Can anyone buy at auction?

Yes, anyone can buy, as long as they have their documents up to date, the CPF needs to be properly regularized, with the regular registration status at the Federal Revenue Service (to check your CPF click here Proof of CPF Registration Status (

There are some bodies that ask for the use of the Digital Certificate, but everything varies according to the public notice of the body that is being offered the auction.

Legal Entities will also be able to buy at auctions, as long as they are duly registered with the CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) and with all their regular status, both in the CPF and CNPJ, and the digital certificate is also used for these people, but all documents will be available in the notice of each auction.

Remembering that, if the buyer buys a vehicle or a complete lot and he doesn't make the payment, he will be subject to fines, administrative and criminal sanctions, it's always good to think before, calculate and check if it's within the budget so you don't have any kind of legal problem , or fines.