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See if it's worth it, what are the advantages and how to get the best credit card.

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You credit cards serve as a financial support when we need to buy something, especially if this object is a little more expensive and you want to pay the price in installments, as this is a way to buy what you want without completely running out of capital.      

However, many people have doubts about whether or not it is worth having store cards. Do you want to know more about this subject? Check the article until the end!    

Where to apply for a credit card

You credit cards can be requested directly from financial institutions and banks, but as everyone knows, there are physical stores that offer cards, such as Worten Portugal, Fnac and Jumbo, which are some of the stores that offer. 

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What to do to get    

As mentioned earlier, the card requests can be done directly on the credit institutions, stores and banks, if you choose to apply for a credit card at a bank, ideally it should be where you already have an account, as this can offer you greater privileges when negotiating card fees, in some cases there are customers who manage to obtain the credit card without fees, when associated with the debit service. 

After expressing interest in the service, the institution will analyze your request individually so that you can inform the analysis status and, in case of approval, inform the credit limit value, according to your income. 

Some institutions are more demanding than others. 

Are store cards worth it?

It depends! Everything will depend on your point of view regarding your needs and reality. 

Overall, the credit cards of stores can only be used in the store that grants the card, so you cannot use it in other establishments, as with cards that have a flag, Mastercard and Visa, for example. Not to mention that store cards also have fees such as annuities. 

That way, you need to understand what your needs are, some questions you can ask yourself to understand your scenario are: 

  • Do I shop often at this store?
  • Does this store meet my needs?
  • If I buy this card, will I be able to pay the fees?
  • Am I interested in shopping in the store frequently? 
  • Is the store my style?

These questions are important so that you can understand whether it really makes sense to get a card that you can only buy from at an establishment. If you answered no to at least two of the questions mentioned above, it may mean that this card is not worth your while.