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Need help in difficult times? Read this article and find out what the best options are. Social Benefits from the Peruvian Government!

First of all, have you ever wondered what it would be like to have more security to take care of your family? Or what it would be like to have access to quality health services?

You are not alone in this battle… Thousands of Peruvians experience this reality every day.

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However, the government offers social programs that have transformed the lives of the most vulnerable families, with benefits that guarantee more justice and opportunities for development.

A light of hope

Therefore, in this article, we will clarify the main social benefits in Peru and how they can make a difference in your family's life.

In other words, these programs are fundamental to promoting social inclusion and improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable population.

Continue this quick reading and check out below:

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1. Pension 65 Program

Firstly, the Pension 65 Program offers a grant of S/250.00 every two months to seniors over 65 years of age who live in extreme poverty.

The program created in 2011 by Midis, guarantees the economic and social security of the most vulnerable elderly people, also providing resources to meet their basic needs.

From the same point of view, the Pension 65 Program has a very significant impact on the lives of elderly beneficiaries.

The Program allows them to have greater financial autonomy, improving their quality of life and contributing to the reduction of extreme poverty.

2. Cuna Más Program

Similarly, the Cuna Mais Program invests in the comprehensive development of children aged 0 to 3 years old, from families living in poverty and extreme poverty.

In this sense, through a network of childcare services, the program offers children access to nutritious food, stimulation, health and education monitoring, as well as support for families in raising and educating their children.

Benefícios Sociais do Governo Peruano
Peruvian Government Social Benefits

In addition, the Cuna Mais Program offers childcare services in childcare centers (CAI) or through home visits, nutritional and health monitoring for children and training and psychosocial support for families.

In that sense, the More Cuna is essential to ensure the healthy development of children in vulnerable situations.

3. PARENT Program

Of course, the COUNTRY PROGRAM brings state services to remote rural areas, promoting the social and economic development of these communities.

Through a network of Citizen Service Centers (CAC), The program facilitates access to several essential services, such as document issuance, healthcare and vaccination, facilitated access to social programs, as well as technical training for rural producers.

4. Program with you

Finally, in addition to the programs already mentioned, Peru has a specific program to meet the needs of people with severe disabilities living in poverty: the Contigo Program.

O Contigo Program, in turn, offers a non-contributory pension of S/ 300.00 every two months for people with disabilities who are in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty.

In this sense, this extra income aims to improve the quality of life of these people, guaranteeing access to basic services such as food, health and medicine.

How to Access Social Benefits?

Of course, to have access to the Peruvian Government's social programs, families can go to the Citizen Service Centers (CAC) nearest or contact the bodies responsible for managing each program.

Remember: it is important to bring the necessary personal documents to prove your identity and socioeconomic status.


In short, the Peruvian Government's Social Benefits are essential to combat poverty and promote the social inclusion of the most vulnerable families.

By providing access to basic services, education, health and development opportunities, these programs contribute to building a more just and equitable future for all Peruvians.

So remember: you are not alone!

The Peruvian Government is here to offer various programs and services to support your family in their time of need, so access the government website, seek help and assert your rights!