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Did you know that you can become a mechanic with the help of apps?!

Look, technology is changing the game.

Being a mechanic used to be like having to carry a ton of manuals and catalogs around, but now, with the right apps, life has become much easier.

Firstly, there are analytics apps, who are like a mechanic's best friend.

They connect with the car and give you a lot of information about what's going on under the hood.

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It's like having a superpower to see through car parts, you know?

Then there are the maintenance apps, who are like the mechanic's personal assistant.

They help you schedule revisions, among other things.

For example, they remind you when it's time to change the oil, filters, all that stuff.

It's like having someone help you so you don't neglect car maintenance.

And we can't forget the parts and tool search apps.

They are like Google from the mechanic, help you always find what you need for the repair.

It's like having a treasure map, only with car parts.

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Finally, become a mechanic with the help of apps It's like having an arsenal of digital tools that make life a lot easier.

It's technology making all the difference in the world of grease and screws!

Free online Mechanics Courses

Did you know you can learn? mechanics for free online?

Seriously, there are people who offer complete courses on the internet without charging anything!

For example, there are videos on YouTube teaching everything from the basics to more advanced tricks.

And that's not all, it also has its own websites, with text, video and even interactive classes, where you can ask questions and exchange ideas with other students.

And the best thing is that you can study on your own time, in the comfort of your home, without having to spend a fortune on face-to-face courses.

In other words, it is a virtual mechanics school, where you can learn at your own pace, the way you prefer.

Aprenda a se tornar mecânico com ajuda de apps
Learn to become a mechanic with the help of apps

Whether you're starting from scratch or wanting to improve your knowledge, these free online courses They are a good opportunity to become a tool master!


THE Uniasselvi It's that university that offers you a world of chances.

In that sense, they have a ton of undergraduate courses and postgraduate in several areas.

From administration to engineering, including health, education and technology.

And not only that, they also have a modality of distance learning which is a success!

It's like having university in the palm of your hand, being able to study wherever you want, whenever you want.

They are so connected to the rush of modern life and offer incredible ease for those who want to qualify without giving up other responsibilities.

Ultimately, the Uniasselvi It's like a gateway to the future, where you can find the path that takes you further!


Ecid offers Technical Course in Mechanics authorized by MEC.

With the duration of 6 months and you earn your diploma.

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They prepare you to face any challenge in the field, whether it's repairing airplane engines or adjusting your car's engine.

It is a complete immersion in everything involving machines, from theory to everyday practice.

With the guys from Ecid, you learn in practice, with top-of-the-line laboratories and teachers who are true masters in the art of mechanics.

Finally, it is the right path for anyone who wants to become a professional in this gear-driven world!

Free online Mechanics Courses

