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If you still don't have the knowledge, let's tell you a little about the Yanomami, a very important indigenous population in Brazil.

Inhabiting the far north of the famous Amazon rainforest, the population has suffered over the years numerous social and environmental impacts.

these villages Yanomami are found along the Brazil-Venezuela border.

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Historically isolated, the indigenous group had its contact with the white man relatively recently.

With all the social and environmental impacts, the population has been suffering due to the action of economic groups in the lands where their villages are located.

Conheça mais sobre a história dos Yanomami.
Learn more about the history of the Yanomami.

Thanks to geographic isolation, the Yanomami remain in a mountainous region, and the watersheds of the amazon and the Orinoco are bounded by an interfluve.

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With this, allowing certain protection to the group for so long.

Who are the Yanomani

Possessing a long journey, the story takes place in the extreme north of Brazilian territory and in the southern part of Venezuelan territory.

Being the vast tropical vegetation and water availability that the land has.

Bringing together Yanomae, Sanima, Ninam and Yanõmami Indians, who together make up a very important linguistic group, being considered one of the 10 largest indigenous ethnic groups in Brazil.

In terms of religion, the yonamamis bring together several typical elements of indigenous culture, including rituals offered using hallucinogenic teas.

These villages are built by different dwelling houses in the collective, which was named “huts“.

In everyday services, society is characterized by the clear division of labor between women and men.

Gold prospectors, farmers and loggers on village lands generate a great social and environmental impact.

Public policies have been harming the survival conditions of this population, which owns about 9.6 million hectares, the Indigenous Land Yanomami it is considered the largest indigenous area in all of Brazil.

Conheça mais sobre a história dos Yanomami.
Learn more about the history of the Yanomami.

Recent estimates (albeit inconsistent) point out that there are more than 255 population villages yanomami, accounting for a total of approximately 20,000 Yanomami meeting only in Brazilian territory.

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