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It is very important to know about some simple habits that can help you achieve mental health in old age.

In old age, we can cite three effective ways to improve this health.

One is social interaction; resignify personal projects and practice physical activities regularly.

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According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) the Brazilian population is older.

In 2021, this population corresponds to 10.2% of the general population.

Como conseguir saúde mental na velhice?
How to achieve mental health in old age?

Therefore, with more people falling into the "third Age", it is necessary to prepare to reach old age in the best possible way.

Some simple habits like playing sports can help improve the quality of life and mental health.

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According to WHO (World Health Organization), elderly people should do at least one moderate physical activity per day.

And increasing the intensity throughout the week is good for getting the necessary benefits for your health.

Not only the physical, but also the mental health is extremely important at this stage.

Among the effective ways mentioned above, many activities can promote healthy aging.

Social interaction

In addition, expanding the connection with other people and maintaining affective bonds certainly helps the elderly not to feel isolated in any way.

The family, in this case, will be able to accompany the elderly person to places where this interaction exists.

For example, museums and parks.

Another important step is to choose activities that make this moment positive and pleasurable for the elderly person.

Como conseguir saúde mental na velhice?
How to achieve mental health in old age?

If possible, allow him to make some of these choices on his own.

The practice of physical activity, in addition to bringing incredible benefits to the body and strengthening the bones and nerves, also calms the mind.

Always, of course, respecting existing limitations.

Unfortunately, the WHO emphasized that about five million deaths a year could be avoided if the population were healthier.

mental health in old age it is also important, take care of yourself.

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