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Many people who suffer from the disease already have an application on their mobile device. measure blood pressure by cell phone.

In this sense, using your smartphone you will be able to take care of your health and make recordings of your pressure values.

Apps are increasingly popular and have a large number of specifications and functions that help the user to control their health, promoting greater well-being.

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In addition, it is possible to share the results through generated graphs and present the data to your trusted doctor in the next appointment.

As we know, the Hypertension or High pressure It is a disease characterized by an increase in blood pressure in the body.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this disease affects about 1 billion people around the world.

In addition, high blood pressure is the main risk factor for several types of other diseases.

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Medir pressão arterial pelo celular- Descubra como.
Measure blood pressure by cell phone - Find out how.

For example, cardiovascular disease, stroke, heart failure, diabetes, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, eye disease, among others.

Because it is a silent disease, in its early stages, hypertension should not show noticeable symptoms.

However, it can negatively affect the main organs of the human body, such as the heart, eyes, kidneys, among others.

Therefore, using an application to measure blood pressure anytime you need it is interesting and necessary for some people.

That's why we've brought the best options for you to find the best app to measure blood pressure wherever you are.

That way, you can measure daily and know if the pressure is too high or if it's ok.

In addition, of course, to generating a report with the data and sending it to your doctor to monitor the situation in real time.

BP monitor

Bood Pressure Monitor or BP Monitor is one of the measure blood pressure by cell phone most popular.

Available for OS users android and iPhone (iOS) free of charge.

The app offers an amazing array of tools for anyone who wants to track their blood pressure frequently.

With it, the user can record his measurements through graphs, which improves the visualization of the values.

Afterwards, it is still possible to save the information and share your data in a much more organized way.

smart BP

SmartBP is another widely used option as it has a clean and intuitive interface.

With it, the user records pressure values and monitors blood pressure variations in real time.

With this, you can analyze your data and share it with other users of the platform.

In addition to the pressure measurement app systolic (blood pressure at the moment the heart contracts pushing the blood to the arteries) and diastolic (refers to pressure when the heart is relaxed), the user will also be able to enter their BMI (Body mass index).

Very complete app available for operating system users android and iPhone (iOS) free.

Pulse and Blood Pressure

In addition to getting measure blood pressure by cell phone, with this tool the user can also measure the heart rate.

In this sense, it is only necessary to measure the beats in the wrist, in addition to recording the blood pressure and adding information to a measurement diary.

It has a simple and easy-to-access interface, making it a viable option for measuring your blood pressure. from wherever you are.

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However, the app is only available to users of iPhone (iOS) free of charge.