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Currently we have access to an endless list of tools on the smartphone, including Metal Detector Application.

Now the question is: will this ever be useful to me?

And the answer is: maybe so.

In this sense, with the help of this metal detector app the user can search a variety of things through the magnetic sensors of the phone itself.

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For example: coins, keys, wedding ring or gold earring among others.

In addition to being able to find wires or metal pipes under the floor or inside the wall.

Making it incredibly easy to locate the position of pipes and wires without the need to dig or break the wall in the wrong place.

See now, a list of metal detector apps that separate for you.

Smart tool metal detector.

Available to operating system users android and free of charge, with this app the user can locate metals just by moving his smartphone.

To access this, simply open the app and view the magnetic field readings.

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This magnetic field is around 49uT, so when moving the device you can easily see the units floating.

As the presence of metal increases, the magnetic field and reading will fluctuate.

The tool will also notify you with sound signal or alarm.

If you choose, you can customize the level of the magnetic field at which the alarm sounds, or change the beep sound in the options that are provided.

Netigen Metal Detector

Helping you in the search for different types of metals around you, with Netigen's Metal Detector this is easy.

It contains a simple interface, with a large graphic screen.

Aplicativo de Detector de Metais: Confira.
Metal Detector App: Check it out.

In this sense, the user will be able to see beyond the magnetic field, its fluctuation thanks to the reading meter.

Activating the "Extended mode", the app shows the magnetic field in relation to the Earth's magnetic field.

You can turn the detector sound on or off, in addition to changing the values of the fields shown in the graphs, defining the magnetic level that you want to trigger the alarm.

Available free of charge to operating system users android and iPhone(iOS).

best metal detector

Similar to the options mentioned above, with this app locating a metal object becomes easier.

Features such as setting alarms, vibration intensity, magnetic field levels are also available.

Intended for entertainment purposes only, detecting the presence of metal in the vicinity of the user.

The graph enlarges and the device will vibrate making sounds to tell you the metal is close.

Metal Detector by Gamma Play

Having no additional settings or other options, it becomes the simplest app currently used.

Unlike the options mentioned above, with this app, when starting the detection of metal or wires, the user will not receive any type of vibration, he will only have access to a digital meter, showing the value of the magnetic fields through a graph in real time.

Rated 4.0 in the rating given by its users.

Turn your device into a real metal detector.

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Available to operating system users android.