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O Health Unic System better known as SUS, is one of the largest public health systems in the world.

Made to ensure that the entire Brazilian population has full, universal and free access.

And did you know that Brazil is the only country with more than 100 million inhabitants that guarantees this comprehensive assistance completely free of charge? Founded in 1988 and in force until today at the health service of all complexities.

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Through it, Brazilians have access to vaccines and medications free of charge and medical care ranging from primary care to cases of transplants.

In this sense, if you are one of the users of this system, check below some of the basic rights when using it.

Every citizen has the right to be served with order and organization. In this way, those who are in a more serious condition or in greater suffering should be treated with priority.

In addition, everyone should have easy access to health posts, especially pregnant women, the elderly or people with disabilities.

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Everyone, without exception, has the right to quality care.This information needs to be clear, about the patient's own health status and also their family members have the right to know about their status.

Humanized and non-discriminatory treatment– Health professionals working in the SUS cannot in any way condition the type of quality of service provided, by race, age, sexual orientation, color or health status.

Having respect for the patient's body, secrets, emotions, intimacies, insecurities and religion.
For these and other reasons, that nurses and doctors or other professionals need to have visible identity information through badges.

Every citizen has the right to view their own medical record– Assuming responsibility, the patient is free to refuse or allow any medical procedure to be performed.

Every citizen who uses the SUS also has duties to seek care– In that case, never lie or give wrong information about your life or health status.

Read too:

Understand how obesity increases with each passing day in Brazil.

Increase in Arterial Hypertension in Brazil draws the attention of the Public Ministry.

Of course, in this way it is also the duty of the user of the Health Unic System (SUS) to treat with respect the professionals who are there to help you.