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Firstly, the health insurance is not out about betting on technology intelligently.

With the advances of new players, mergers and acquisitions, some advantages are possible in the future of healthcare in the country.

First it was a large operator network that announced its departure from the country and the sale of its life portfolio.

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Another case is that a company with more than 120 years of existence was acquired by a hospital chain.

As information was released by a startup that operates in the health sector, investments in the order went from R$ 1 billion and the other joining forces together with the largest network of clinics in the country.

All of this happening in the last 6 months under the shadow of the formation of the largest operator in the country, which emerged from the merger between a brand from the Northeast and one from São Paulo.

However, should we be concerned about this information?

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We can better understand this movement by looking at the consequences of other segments.

Therefore, in the 2000s with the financial market, there was a consolidation with a reduced number of large players dominating the market.

Among large corporations, the emergence of new fintechs has occupied places where there were no concrete solutions before.

With this, meeting the demands of modern consumers and bringing more practicality to things that were previously unmet, healthtechs emerged alongside the consolidation movement.

So in this sense, this could be a positive point, because in banks, consolidation needed to come before innovation, so the health sector can reap good results from this joint movement.

Because these more stable companies can generate economies of scale and reduce costs for their customers.

While larger companies cut costs by streamlining their administrations, startups have been relying on technology and patient care.

Read too:

Epilepsy: find out what treatments the SUS offers

Learn all about Occupational Health and Safety (OSH).

By investing in efficient data management, it is possible to fill some gaps in traditional services, without compromising the quality of assistance and humanized monitoring.