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If you want to learn more how age photo, follow this reading.

Currently, you can find several apps to transform your photos and make them more fun.

A very fun option that is successful among people are the apps that allow get older in the photo.

That's right, you get to know what you're going to look like when you get older. Pretty cool, isn't it?

There are many applications developed to satisfy our curiosity. After all, who doesn't have this curiosity, right?

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How will the hair look? And the skin? Will I have many wrinkles? And the stains?

These are some doubts that arise when we think that one day we will grow old.

After all, we want to get well into old age.

So, let's list some of these apps so you can see yourself in the future.


O faceApp it is certainly one of the most famous in the world, with many resources available to users.

The app is one of the darlings among users who want age Photograph.

Therefore, the faceApp turns the photo into an older version of the person. However, the program still has other features. 

You can also apply makeup, beard, specific hair, smile, etc.

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And yet, you can share the results on your social networks, for your family and friends to see.

O faceApp is available for android and iOS (iPhone).


O oldify it's also another really cool app where you can also age in the photo. 

There, you can choose how many years older you want to look in the photo. For example, 70, 75, 89, among others.

Also read:

What your future baby's face will look like.

Application that turns photo into drawing.

Likewise, it is also possible to customize the photo by applying 3D accessories. For example, different styles of glasses, hats, hair, etc.

In addition, you can still apply the aging effect to videos, which is much more realistic.

You can also edit the audio in the video, so your voice really sounds like someone older.

However, the application is only available in the paid version for iOS (iPhone).

HourFace: 3D Aging Photo

Likewise, we have HourFace: 3D Aging Photo

You choose a photo from the gallery or you can take one with the app's camera to edit.

That way, just apply the desired aging effects.

You can share the obtained result with your friends and save the photo in your gallery.

For best results, the ideal is to face the camera and with good lighting.

This way, the edits will be applied more efficiently.

Aging Booth

The application was created and developed exclusively with the function of aging photos.

In this way, the application has a simple and easy-to-use interface. 

Just select a photo from your phone's gallery to edit.

You can also take a photo straight from the app's camera. 

So, just click on the Start button and apply the aging effect.

You can return the photo to the original version if you don't like the result. 

It's pretty simple, just shake your phone. 

However, the application does not only have the effect of aging.

You can also apply a fatter version to your photos, with a mustache, bald head, among other effects.

There are several options available, right?

This effect makes your photos more creative and funny.

So, choose the app of your choice and put your creativity to work.

Afterwards, just share the results with your friends on social networks.