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Every worker who had their portfolio signed in the year 2019 has the right to receive the salary allowance, for that we will help you to see the date you will receive in the payment calendar of the PIS/PASEP.

If you worked with a formal contract, you will be entitled to PIS/PASEP, a value that will help a lot, in this moment we are living, any help and benefit is very welcome, right?

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O PIS/PASEP is a balance deposited by the employer, in an account with Caixa Econômica Federal, in order to be used as unemployment insurance, however, for those workers who have more than 5 years of registration, they have the right to redeem their allowance, even if they are Working.


O PIS (Social Integration Program) and the PASEP (Public Servant Heritage Formation Program), both known as PIS/PASEP, are contributions paid by the company.

With the aim of financing the worker's unemployment insurance in case of dismissal, or allowance for workers with participation in the revenue of bodies and entities.

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O PIS is for those workers of a private company registered in the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws) being paid the wage bonus, by the Federal Savings Bank.

already the PASEP is for those civil servants workers, who work under the statutory legal regime, being paid the salary bonus, by the Bank of Brazil.

Remembering that on 04/07/2020, the PIS/PASEP via Provisional Measure 946/2020, but the salary allowance was maintained by the government.


the salary allowance PIS/PASEP, is paid to workers who meet certain requirements of the bodies responsible for the program.

Workers must:

  • Have more than 5 years of portfolio registration
  • Have worked at least 30 days (consecutive or not) in the base year in which you will be paid, in this case in 2019.
  • Your salary cannot exceed two minimum wages (R$ 2,200.00, based on the calculation of the amount paid for the allowance).
  • Having the correct data in the RAIS (Annual Reports of Social Information).


to get the PIS/PASEP can be directly at the cashier Federal Savings Bank, if you have a citizen card, withdrawals can be made at ATMs.

Today it can also be done by the “box has”, there you can check your balance, transfer the amount to any other account, you can pay bills (water, electricity and any other), you can also generate a virtual card for internet purchases, you can use the card machine, recharge your phone and also carry out the PIX.


To find out if you are entitled to PIS/PASEP, it will not be necessary to go to a Caixa agency, everything can be done from the comfort of your home.

You will only need to have access to the internet, a cell phone, tablet or computer, and carry out a quick and practical consultation.

You will need to log in to the Cashier and inform your NIS (check in the Employment Card), you will also need to enter your CPF and e-mail, if your login is created on the platform Cashier.

If you have not yet registered on the site, you can register at the same time as you are going to perform the consultation.

Once you enter the platform, you will need to find the tab “PIS”, and then click on “Consultation and Payment”.

After logging in, you will be able to check how much you collected in the base year, and when the next deposit will be made.

To consult the PASEP, you will need to download the app “Digital Worked Wallet”, which is available for both android how much for IOS, after entering you will need to inform your NIS, and yours CPF, as soon as you enter you must click on the tab “salary allowance”, and after selecting “PASEP”, and there you can check the values and dates.

It can also be consulted in the application “Worker Cashier”, there you will need to register, and you can also consult amounts and payment dates.

You can check whether you are entitled to the allowance on the Federal Savings Bank or by phone 0800 726 0207.

Values vary according to time. worked, see below:

See too:

How to turn your photos into a drawing.

How to consult the PIS/PASEP.

  • 1 month worked receives R$ 92.00
  • 2 months worked receives R$ 184.00
  • 3 months worked receives R$ 275.00
  • 4 months worked receives R$ 367.00
  • 5 months worked receives R$ 459.00
  • 6 months worked receives R$ 550.00
  • 7 months worked receives R$ 642.00
  • 8 months worked receives R$ 734.00
  • 9 months worked receives R$ 825.00
  • 10 months worked receives R$ 917.00
  • 11 months worked receives R$ 1,009.00
  • 12 or more months worked receives R$ 1,100.00

To see the day you will receive it, follow the calendar below:

  • Those born in January and February receive from 01/19/2021
  • Born in March and April receive from 02/11/2021
  • Born in May and June receive from 02/11/2021
  • Born after these months, the value is already available in the accounts with the Cashier.

For those who already have an account with Federal Savings Bank or Bank of Brazil the amount will be deposited directly into your account.

  • It is worth mentioning that the value will be available in the accounts until June 30, 2021.