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If you think that the amount received in your termination of work is wrong, we can help you do the math right, and the best, without leaving the comfort of your home.

Today there are very simple ways to make these calculations, since there is almost everything on the internet, you can calculate the value of all your termination, if you want you can also calculate only the FGTS, the termination fine, in short, whatever you want.

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In the past, to perform these calculations, you would need to go to an accountant, union or even some public agency to perform the calculation. But today with the tools that we are going to show you, this will no longer be necessary, you can do it in the comfort of your home.


THE termination of work it is the end of the employment relationship, this ending occurs in several ways, but the most common is by the company's own will, more in some cases by the employee himself.

Termination of work It is a formal document that contains all the employee's data, as well as some of the information from his employment contract, such as the date of admission (entry) and the date of termination (exit) and also all the values to be calculated at the time of termination , such as notice, vacation, 13th salary and FGTS (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço).

Work termination process it is very detailed, so care from the company's HR is necessary, as there are procedures determined by law, but in some cases you may disagree with the value and then carry out the calculation in order to claim your rights.

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There are several employment contracts, and each one requires a different type of termination, because for each case, there are several types of rules and laws, such as unemployment insurance, vacation, FGTS and prior notice that are the most common.

Have many types of job termination

  • TERMINATION OF WORK WITHOUT JUST CAUSE: Initiative on the part of the company, where there is no longer any interest in providing employee service. Remembering that the company will need to communicate in advance regarding the termination.
  • TERMINATION OF WORK FOR JUST CAUSE BY THE COMPANY: This type of termination occurs when the employee commits something so serious a fault (described in article 482 of the CLT), that dismissal may be justified, where the company is not obliged to make the payment of some securities, such as FGTS (Guarantee Fund ), fine, prior notice and also proportional vacations.
  • TERMINATION OF WORK FOR JUST CAUSE BY THE EMPLOYEE: This type of termination is when the company does not comply with the duties set out in the employment contract, such as overloading the employee, or when the employee is at risk of life in the profession, which may even be for moral damages.
  • TERMINATION OF WORK DUE TO RECIPROCAL GUILT: This type of termination is when the two parties do not comply with the agreement described in the employment contract, justified by absences and the like, even failing to comply with legal or contractual obligations.


Prior notice and a way for both the employee and the employer to structure themselves to look for a new job, or in the case of the employer a new employee, so the employer has the need to inform the employee 30 days in advance, so that he be able to meet your 30 days notice, and also schedule yourself after the termination of the contract.

If the employer does not want the employee to comply with the 30 days notice period, he/she must indemnify him/her for the 30 days, that is, an extra salary upon termination of employment.

Remembering that if the employee does not comply with the 30 days determined, it will be deducted from his termination of work (according to article 487 of the CLT).


No, since the probationary contract is valid for 45 days and can be renewed for another 45 days, there will be a normal termination of the agreement stipulated in the employment contract, so if the company does not formalize a new type of employment contract and the employee working one day more than the stipulated period, the employee's contract for permanent employment is automatic.


Come on, since everything is clear about the termination of work, let's get to the part that matters, some sites and applications help a lot at this time, and since they are very easy to perform the calculation, but not all of them are very accurate, we recommend doing the calculation on at least 2 or 3 sites or Applications so that be as accurate as possible within the legalities of the law.

You 5 top rated apps are “FREE LABOR CALCULATIONS”, "LABOR CALCULATIONS - 2021 RULES", “TRABAKHIST TERMINATION”, "TERMINATION CALCULATION - CALCULATOR", “WORKER TERMINATION CALCULATOR”, and several others in your application gallery, both for Android and IOS.

Best of all, you don't even have to leave the house to do the math for your termination, you only need access to the internet, a cell phone, tablet or computer.

The data to perform the calculation is also simple, you just need to have your work card in hand, as you will need the date of admission and dismissal, salary received and information such as if you have a dependent, and vacation.

You 5 top rated websites for these calculations are "CLT TERMINATION CALCULATION, "WORK VALUE, "CONTROLID, "CATHO, "CALCULATORSCISION.

Everything is very simple, fast and practical, once your calculation is finished, it can be shared with other apps like WhatsApp. Remembering that these tools described above may demonstrate some incorrect data, although they are very accurate, if possible check with a professional in the area.