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received the Emergency Aid and you don't know how to transfer before the withdrawal deadline, we can help you.

A new batch of payment of Emergency Aid began to be paid by Caixa Econômica Federal, deposited in the account of the Caixa Tem application.

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If you want to transfer the amount, pay a ticket, or use a card machine, it's very simple, and we'll help you, follow the step-by-step.


O Emergency Aid is a program of Federal government for those people whose families are experiencing financial difficulties, the aid serves to help with some bills and even at the supermarket.

Thinking about these families and knowing the moment of difficulty that we are all facing, the government made available an amount to help these families, the Emergency Aid.

This amount will vary according to each beneficiary's profile, without a fixed amount, because whenever new installments or payment batches are released, a new analysis is carried out in each profile, and changes such as: portfolio registration, income tax, and amounts received (which exceed the maximum ceiling for the program), there may be suspension and in some cases even the refund of the amount paid by the Government.


Those citizens whose family income is up to 3 minimum wages or R$ 3,300.00, or up to R$ 550.00 per person, registered in the Single Registry and also beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família program.

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to transfer the emergency aid money it is very simple and practical, you will need to have access to the internet, a cell phone or tablet, as you will have to enter the government application.

Then download the App “BOX HAS”, after downloading, make the registration that you will ask for in the first step, with your personal data.

After registering and everything ready, when entering the Application, a tab will appear in the upper left corner “Show Balance”.

Enough to click over this tab and the value that was Received, after verifying the amount received, you will have several options to make the transfer.

However, some will not be available, as the day of withdrawal and transfer is the same, but there are other ways to advance this date, and receive your money well before the government schedule.

If you need to pay a bill, such as water, electricity, telephone or even a bill purchased anywhere else, whether online or via a bank account, you can choose the option “PAY YOUR BILLS” available on the App.

If you are in a store, supermarket, or someone who has a machine and will pass the card, select the option “PAY AT THE MACHINE”.

If you have an account on an app like paypal and PicPay, in them there is an option to pay with a virtual debit card, the money will fall into your account in a few minutes, select the tab “VIRTUAL DEBIT CARD”.

It is also possible to recharge the phone through the Caixa Tem application itself, by clicking on the tab “PHONE RECHARGE” you can recharge with the desired amount.

It will also be possible to pay your personal bills and bank slips directly at the lottery, in the application you have the option “PAY IN THE LOTTERY”.

there are several options in the app like “Financial Tips”, “Family Support Insurance”, "Extract", “Bolsa Familia”, “Check Vouchers”, "Report income".

Other options like “Cardless Withdrawal”, “PIX” and "Transfer money" can only be done when the money is available for withdrawal.

If you wish to take cash, before being cleared for withdrawal by Federal Savings Bank, You will be able to issue a ticket worth your Emergency Aid, if you don't have an account at any bank, and it doesn't issue a slip, the same app as paypal and PicPay issue this ticket.

After issuing the ticket, just go to the application “Caixa Tem”, and pay this bill. The money will be paid in up to 2 business days, and after it is available in the App, you can transfer it to your account or withdraw it from any cashier