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When is a contact online? So, this type of app emerged as a response to people's natural curiosity, right?

We always wanted to know when someone is online.

In other words, that desire to see if the person is available to talk or if they are ignoring us (the famous “last seen”).

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The idea is very simple: the application monitors when your contacts go online in messaging apps, such as Whatsapp or messenger.

Then, it sends you a warning or even a graph showing when and for how long your friends (or crushes, let's be honest) are online.

Of course, this generated a lot of debates about privacy, because there are people who find it invasive, right?

Just imagine, you're there in your corner, thinking you're invisible, and out of nowhere someone appears saying “I saw you online now!”.

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It can be tense.

But, ultimately, the app is successful because it feeds our desire to always be connected to other people's movements.

Therefore, it is one of those things that are here to stay, even with all the privacy drama that always goes on.

WhatLogin: online last seen

O WhatLogin: online last seen is an app that notifies you when your contacts are online on platforms like Whatsapp.

Like, it shows you when someone comes online or when they were last seen.
It's like a kind of discreet sneak peek, you know?

Quer saber quando um contato está online? Descubra agora
Want to know when a contact is online? Discover now

So, if you're curious to know if that specific person is available to chat or is simply looking at messages without responding, the WhatLogin will give you this information.

Of course this generates a lot of discussion about privacy, because not everyone likes being tracked like this.

But it's one of those tools that came to meet our natural desire to stay up to date with other people's movements on the internet.


O WhatsLog is another virtual detective for messaging apps, especially Whatsapp.

It notifies you when your contacts go online, when they leave the app or even when they change their profile photo, incredible, right?

It's like a radar of your friends and crushes' online activities.

The idea is that you can know when someone is available to chat or when they were last seen, even if they haven't responded to you.

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It's kind of a way to stay tuned in to other people's movements without having to ask them directly.

Of course, this generates discussions about privacy, because there are people who don't really like being monitored like this.

But it is a tool that came to satisfy our natural curiosity about what goes on behind the scenes of online conversations.

Online Monitor (Last Seen)

O Online Monitor It's that app that gives you the power to know when your contacts are online in messaging apps.

It notifies you when someone enters the app, when they go online or even when they last left.

It's like a discreet little spy that keeps you informed about the activities of your friends and acquaintances.

This way, you can know if someone is available to exchange an idea or if they are simply taking a quick look at the messages.

Of course this raises a debate about privacy.

But for those who like to always be on top of other people's movements, the Online Monitor It's a helping hand.

Links to download:

WhatLogin: online last seen


Online Monitor (Last Seen)