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We have news for you who want to enter the job market: there is a free electrician course that offers an international certificate!

First of all, electricity is vital in our life, isn't it?

Without it, we cannot use any electronic device.

Not even turning on the light.

However, it is important to have your own training to work with electricity.

Because this activity is dangerous, and can cause serious damage.

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The electrician course is online.

So you can access it from anywhere.

In addition to having a simple interface with 11 modules.

Curso de eletricista grátis - Veja mais.
Free Electrician Course – See more.

He begins by explaining the history of electrical energy.

Then teaches everything about circuits, voltage, electric current, resistance, among other things.

And in stages, you learn everything you need.

And it's not just this course that's free, see?

THE Edutin Academy offers more than 6,000 options for free online courses.

With readings, projects, videos and practice.

Each course has its own community.

Where students ask questions and respond in real time.

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Oh, and if you were interested in the electrician course.

Know that he has more than 192 hours of classes and offers academic assistance.

Also, you still earn an international certificate.

Where companies and institutions around the world accept.

So, want to learn more about the course?

Come see how it works.

Free online electrician course.

This electrician course is online and easy to use.

Also, you will learn all about basic electricity.

As well as installing and repairing electrical networks.

Likewise, the course has over 192 class hours.

Best of all, the course is free.

All you need to do is create an account on Edutin Academy.

They also have over 6,000 courses in many different areas.

Each course on the platform has a community of learners.

Where people can ask and answer questions.

And with that, get real-time academic help.

The electrician course has videos, readings and projects.

And students can access the platform from anywhere using an easy-to-use app.

Students learn about electrical energy, electrical circuits, voltage, electrical current, and much more.

Edutin Academy

An incredible platform that offers online courses for those who want to learn a little bit of everything.

With a huge variety of courses.

From programming and design.

Even music and photography.

With free and paid options.

So you can choose according to what you can invest.

In addition, the courses are well organized and easy to follow.

They use videos, teaching materials and even hands-on exercises to help you understand the content.

With very experienced teachers, they explain everything in a very simple way.

Oh, and the student community is also very active.

That is, it has forums and discussion groups.

Where you can share with others who are taking the same course as you.

Edutin Academy is always adding new courses to the catalog.

So if you don't find something that interests you right now.

Just keep an eye out that soon, they will definitely release something new.

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Finally, if you complete a course, you even get a certificate of completion.
Which is great to put on your resume.