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Pets and their benefits, If you like pets, check out some of their pets in this article. benefits for mental health and human development.

As we know, the interaction between humans and animals can relieve some symptoms, get to know some of them.

For example, anxiety, depression and stress.

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In addition, it can provide us with several positive feelings.

According to research carried out at the Institute Data Sheet, 61% of Brazilians aged 16 or over have at least one pet at home.

Being them, 23% cats, in them even 46% can have companions in the family.

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As is the case of Beatriz Breves which has 12 of them (psychologist and specialist in the science of feeling).

For her, who has already cataloged more than 600 feelings during all the years of study, having a pet at home relieves symptoms related to depression, anxiety, stress and provides more love in the home.

Pets e seus benefícios para saúde mental.
Pets and their mental health benefits.

In addition to happiness, fellowship, gratitude and comfort.

On the 20th of February, the world cat day, according to the psychologist, not necessarily a feline, but also other types of domestic pets to call your own.

Taking into account that in the vast majority of cases, as children we are oriented to repress our feelings.

However, with the help of the relationship with an animal, these feelings can be liberating.
Because through them, we have direct contact with feelings that at the same time, we learn not to repress what we feel.

An important thing to say is that we are taking a living being into our house, for that reason it has its needs, and its own personality.

Care such as specific food, regular visits to the veterinarian, vaccination.

Among the main ones, love and kindness among many others are important.

Find out what the benefits are.

Fights depression: According to studies done in the Japan, pets can stimulate the production of oxytocin, a hormone necessary for human well-being.

Pets e seus benefícios para saúde mental.
Pets and their mental health benefits.

In addition to doing good for the heart, boosting immunity, combating sedentary lifestyle, helps with children's development, strengthening family relationships and socialization in general.

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