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Yes, strong emotions and stress emotional can alter oral health, including the teeth and mouth, learn how it happens.

When we are stressed, anxious or depressed, a number of changes can occur in our body, including reduced saliva production.

Increased acidity in the mouth and the habit of creak or clench your teeth.

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These factors can lead to a number of dental problems, such as cavities, dental erosion, periodontal disease, bruxism (teeth grinding), temporomandibular joint problems (ATM), between others.

Como seu emocional pode alterar a saúde bucal?
How can your emotional alter oral health?

Bruxism, for example, can wear down tooth enamel, cause jaw pain and lead to occlusion problems.

In addition, stress can negatively affect eating habits and oral hygiene, increasing the risk of cavities and other dental problems.

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Therefore, it is important to control emotional stress and look for ways to deal with it, such as practicing physical exercise, meditation, therapy or other relaxation techniques.

It is also important to maintain good oral hygiene and make regular visits to the dentist to prevent dental problems.

What to do?

As we know, dental problems can also affect a person's self-esteem and confidence.

It can easily evolve into depression, contributing to the person having even more difficulty with the care to be taken.

Despite the poor condition being associated with other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, smoking or excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks.

Learn some ways to maintain good oral health.

correct brushing: the right thing is to brush your teeth at least three times a day, when you wake up, after lunch and before going to sleep.

This habit is important for cleaning germs and bacterial plates that build up throughout the day.

Como seu emocional pode alterar a saúde bucal?
How can your emotional alter oral health?

Language: in addition to causing health problems, it can cause bad breath, it is important to never forget to brush your tongue and remove the accumulation of bacteria.

Dental floss: Its role is very important, removing all the small pieces of food stuck between the teeth, as well as stimulating the gums, decreasing inflammation in the area.

Not forgetting of course to drink water and take care of food that is extremely important to keep your oral health up to date.

Visit a professional regularly.

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