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Who in this world has not felt that stomach ache? See what really works take to end this abdominal discomfort.

Belly pain can have many causes, from digestive issues to more serious conditions.

First and foremost, it is important that you consult a doctor to determine the cause of your belly pain and receive the appropriate treatment.

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However, if you are looking for temporary relief from your stomach ache, some options include:
Over-the-counter analgesics, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, provided there are no contraindications for their use.

Dor na barriga? Confira o que realmente funciona.
Stomach ache? Check out what really works.

Herbal teas, such as chamomile, fennel, or peppermint tea, which have calming properties and can help relieve pain.

Warm or cold compresses, which can help relax the muscles and relieve pain.

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Other viable options

Antacids and proton pump blockers– acts against gastritis, that burning and discomfort in the stomach region.

This condition is an inflammation of the internal mucosa of the organ.

antiflatulents– in some cases, this intense discomfort in the belly is the accumulation of gases.

In this sense, antiflatulents are considered safe.

antispasmodics– another reason to feel these pains in the belly, are due to intestinal and menstrual cramps.

Already in these cases, antispasmodics are used to alleviate the symptoms generated by colic, swelling and abdominal pain.

It is also indicated to reduce major discomforts of irritable bowel syndrome.

Dor na barriga? Confira o que realmente funciona.
Stomach ache? Check out what really works.

antibiotics– the use of this medication is when the pain has been caused by some type of bacterial infection.

Abdominal pain is accompanied by nausea, fever, diarrhea and vomiting.

Other health conditions also require the use of antibiotics and surgery.

For example, appendix and gallstones.

Finally, again it is important to emphasize that these measures are only for temporary relief, and it is essential that you seek a doctor to investigate the causes of belly pain.

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