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We have experienced very difficult times in the last two years, so I ask you, how was your mental health in the pandemic?

In January 2020, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared the emergence of a disease caused by a type of virus of the type coronavirus- the Covid-19.

Como ficou sua saúde mental na pandemia?
How was your mental health in the pandemic?

It is considered a public health emergency of global concern, with a high risk of spreading to all countries around the world.

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With that, the WHO in March 2020, evaluated the fact and characterized Covid-19 as a pandemic.

Encompassing a huge range of areas that must be covered, the health agenda in the face of the pandemic also drew the attention of the medical community, and the population, to the risk of a parallel pandemic.

Containing worrying indications, such as an increase in psychiatric symptoms, mental disorders and an increase in psychological suffering.

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Even after so long, the impact on the effect that the coronavirus has brought, these psychic illnesses are still being calculated.

These implications for mental health nowadays, have already been reported in the scientific literature.

Consequences of the pandemic

Some of the consequences refer to the immediate burden on health systems, which had to adapt quickly to care for critically ill patients infected with the virus. Covid-19.

Being associated with few resources in the health area to care for other acute clinical conditions, of course due to the reallocation of funds to combat the pandemic.

Como ficou sua saúde mental na pandemia?
How was your mental health in the pandemic?

Another consequence was in relation to the social distancing, changing patterns of behavior throughout society.

For example, closing schools, changing methods and all work logistics.

Thus increasing the mental disorders and psychological traumas that were directly or indirectly caused by the infection and its many secondary consequences.

Unfortunately, this pandemic has taken away more than 6 million of lives around the world, and as we know, each person reacts differently to these losses.

Complicated, sad and stressful situations arise, directly affecting our central system.

If you are in intense pain, seek the help of a professional urgently, currently there are professionals and services available even at a distance.

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