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Learn with the help of apps to play accordion, being one of the most played instruments around the world.

With all this technological advancement, we find several application options available to learn to play many types of instruments, including accordion.

From this instrument can be denoted very popular musical pieces such as, for example, Polka, cumbia and valenato.

In this sense, you can train wherever you are in that spare time, through your mobile device or laptop.

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In this article, we list the best applications to learn from a professional how to play accordion.

Mesquite Keystroke Accordion (Piano) Free.

Available for free, the app will offer the best knowledge, as it has more than 120 basses, with fun ways to facilitate learning.

Characterized by numerous functions, such as having pre-recorded sounds containing high quality, the instrument is played in the present tense, having 120 bass buttons and 45 keys.

Currently getting the best repertoire of tutorials, buttons that light up expressing which key you are pressing.

With this, you will learn complete songs and become familiar with the scales.

It has a simple interface, and its music is frequently updated.

chromatic button accordion

Allowing in addition to learn to play the accordion, make recordings of musical pieces and share them.

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Defined by having high quality and definition sounds, interface available in Spanish and simple to use.

To contribute to learning in general, the tool has an automatic rhythm system.

In addition to volume adjustment controls, you can choose between different systems. W or B, contains 3 registers with the ability to add more if you prefer.

Rated 4.1 out of 5 stars by its users.

Free Mesquite Accordion

Considered one of the best apps for beginners, it has great ratings by the public.

It can be played in real time, is very realistic and contains melodies already pre-recorded in excellent quality.

Aprenda a tocar acordeão usando aplicativos.
Learn to play the accordion using apps.

It contains four types of accordion melodies, namely Texano, Vallenato, Norteño and Deluxe.

Sound of 5 tunings and 54 registers, having 34 buttons that will help you to learn complete songs and their scales.

piano accordion

Available to operating system users android and iPhone(iOS), the app has a rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars.

Very complete application for tablets and smartphones, with a simple and fully customizable interface.

With this, the user will be able to adjust it in the best way he prefers.

If you want to show your evolution to family and friends, the tool lets you record your own instrumentals.

Melodeon (button accordion)

Containing an extensive collection of diatonic accordions, this is another great option to start playing your favorite instrument.

Going from a beginner to a professional musician easily.

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars by its users and available to users of android and iPhone(iOS).

With excellent quality sounds recorded in the studio, it has an original interface in general aspects.

It contains low latency, making its loading time very realistic.

Hohner-ADG Accordion

Inspired by the accordion three-row Hohner, this application can help you play your favorite songs.

For easy playing, it contains good-sized buttons that glow white when pressed.

If you choose, this feature can be modified.

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