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If you are one of the numerous beneficiaries, it is important to know about some information and changes in the Family Scholarship 2023.

To begin with, as soon as he took office, Squid (PT) signed a Provisional Measure ( MP), guaranteeing the minimum payment of R$600.00 in the year 2023.

O Family Scholarship , a social program that had been replaced by the Brazil Aid under the former president Jair Messiah Bolsonaro (PL) will have the value of R$ 150.00 added to the payment for children up to 6 years old.

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According to the minister, this amount will start to be paid from March.

In the past year, more than 21 million families have benefited from the Help Brazil.

being more than 8 million included only in 2022.

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Now, in this current year the Family Scholarship returns with new conditions and will be commanded by the minister Simone Tebet.

The number of beneficiaries should decrease, after the government ends the action fine-tooth comb.

Bolsa Família 2023 - Confira as novidades.
Bolsa Família 2023 – Check out the news.

Dias claims that about 10 million families will go through this process and the blocking will be done in a period of 60 days, starting in February or March.

With that, removing some people who are in the aid in a way irregular.

After deposit in box has (available for operating system users android and iPhone iOS), the beneficiary has up to 120 days to withdraw the Bolsa Familia.

In this case, the withdrawal is usually made by correspondents Caixa Aqui, Caixa Branches, Houses lottery and Self-service Terminals.

Who can receive Bolsa Família in 2023?

People who are already registered in the Single Registration (CadUnique), and who are in a situation of poverty.

This is equivalent to receiving R$100.01 to R$200.00 or R$100.00 in extreme poverty.

Families that have a member who receives the “Benefit of Continuous Provision of Social Assistance” will also have the right to receive the benefit Bolsa Familia.

Other criteria will also be evaluated.

For example, school attendance of the child member of the participating family in up to 85% active and with the vaccination book up to date, children who are in a situation of child labor, socio-educational campaigns are carried out.

Bolsa Família 2023 - Confira as novidades.
Bolsa Família 2023 – Check out the news.

Families with pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, adolescents, children and young people up to 21 years of age.

To be a candidate for receiving the Bolsa Família 2023 the family must have updated data in the cadunic in the past two years.