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See how to take online voter registration direct from your cell phone through the applications available for issuing the document.

We know that in Brazil, voting is mandatory for every citizen between 18 and 70 years old.

That is, for young people between 16 and 17 years old or elderly people over 70 years of age and who are illiterate, voting is optional.

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However, to have access to this right and duty to vote, it is necessary to take a voter registration for the first time.

In the Elections Law (Law number 9.504/97-article 91), it is determined that the Electoral Register be closed up to 150 days before each election.

That way, people will have that time to be able to solve any kind of pending issue with the electoral justice.

For example, justification for non-appearance in the last three elections or transfer of domicile.

In this sense, the sooner you request the regularization or the first copy of your readership, the better for you.

This is because, in the last days of the term, demand for the service is usually high.

In this way, removing or regularizing your title of voter 100% online is a very simple procedure. The process only requires a camera phone and a few documents that are required.

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For example, RG, CNH, professional license or passport, proof of residence, among others.

What's the procedure?

Fur net title, on the Portal of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) you can do all this 100% online.

That is, both the withdrawal of the first copy of the voter registration, regarding the regularization of the document.

To do this, just have the official document with a photo, proof of payment of debt with the Electoral Justice, proof of residence and discharge of military service.

For those intending to obtain the document for the first time, it is necessary to inform in the application page of the Título-Net system, the federation unit in which you reside.

Afterwards, all the information about scanning the documents that will be needed will appear on the screen.

For example, you will need to take a selfie-style photo of yourself holding an ID.

After that, send proof of current residence and the military service discharge certificate, in this case for men between 18 and 45 years old.

On the next page, in the field “Voter ID", in the request for the first copy, the future voter must mark the option "I don't have it" in order to continue the procedure.

As soon as you send all the requested documents, the Electoral Court will analyze them.

You can also track the title request directly through the website.

Now, if the case is changing the electoral register, the situation must be checked with the Electoral Justice of your city.

This procedure can also be done online.

In this case, access the Título – Net website and request the application for the desired service.

Afterwards, just send the requested documents and wait for the regularization.


Voters in a regular situation can access the e-Título application, available for systems android and iPhone (iOS).

You can also use the tool to access the online voter registration.

In this way, it is possible to replace the paper document with the digital one on election day.

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In addition, the user can consult any possible pendency in the document.

Just download it for free on your smartphone, tablet or any other platform android or iOS.