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Check out some apps to help us hair loss treatments if you are suffering from this problem.

Among one of the problems that almost 80% of the world's population suffer in common is the loss of hair.

Whether male or female, everyone at some point in life suffers from this issue.

And the reasons can be varied.

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For example, excess stress, hypothyroidism, excess vitamin A or B, pregnancy, anemia, hormonal changes, covid-19, use of antidepressants, among others.

So, developers from different places decided to help in some way, creating apps about advice and care that we should take with our hair.

In addition, opting for a balanced diet also helps encourage hair to be healthier.

Of course, these apps do not replace consultations with specialist doctors. So, if the problem continues, don't hesitate to make an appointment with a doctor you trust.

Hair treatments at home

As the name implies, Hair Treatments at Home will help you in a simple and homemade way to help treat your hair.

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Containing in this app more than 50 homemade masks, for shine, and volume to get more beautiful and especially healthier hair, which is the most important thing.

Available for free for Android system users, it has a 4.6 out of 5 star rating.

Home treatments and hair remedies

This app provides various hair care tips to keep your hair healthy.

It has numerous recipes that help to reduce or eliminate the problem of loss of hair.

Simple interface, containing all the step by step.

Features such as homemade masks, hair care tips, easily obtainable natural vitamins, remedies and treatments that can be used for any hair type.

A great option since it has 4.5 out of 5 stars.

How to Grow Hair Naturally – How to Grow Hair Naturally

In addition to helping to combat loss of hair, this app will help you with hair growth, with tips on how hair can grow faster.

For example, scalp massage with essential oils, oil treatments, restorative mask.

Also, the app tells you the ingredients you can use to make your own hair mask and information about each separate ingredient.

And an important part of the app, it teaches you what you shouldn't do with your hair, avoiding damage, leaving it drier and more fragile.

Home Remedies for Hair

Among the most recommended apps to find important tips on how to have long and healthy hair.

Home remedies are also a good option to help with loss of hair, there are numerous options like coconut milk and honey, coconut oil and aloe vera.

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As well as olive oil, yogurt, onion juice, green tea, egg white mask, garlic among many others.

Available at Play Store, rated 4.6 out of 5 stars.