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see the best dance apps to learn to to dance fur cell.

if you like move O body with dance, but does not attend academy, know that there are others alternatives.

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Thus, we list some apps for to dance without leaving home.

That is, you can learn a new rhythm, or just if amuse very same.

In that sense, if practiced with frequency, a dance help to tone up several muscles of body.

Not to mention that it still helps you in loss in Weight.

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They exist apps with various genres in song, I'm sure you'll find yours preferred.

For example, zumba , hip hop, ballet, parsley and a plethora of options.

As well as, brazilian dances, folk dances and different types of dances.

Choose yours, drag the living room furniture, and start to to exercise.

Best Dance Apps to Learn at Home

Just Dance Now

Inspired by the famous game and dance for consoles, O Just Dance Now and the available version for mobile devices.

So you have about 500 choreographies, between them childish.

Being limited by players, how much more look alike they are the moves, bigger punctuation you reaches.

How much more perfect are yours copied steps, the greater your punctuation.

In this sense, it is enough to have a cell that works from sensor is screen with connection The Internet.

Containing your own dance room, being able to invite their friends for dance together.

In addition, the download It is free and gives you the possibility to test choreographies.

On the other hand, to have the full access at all, it is necessary to have the VIP account.

With the signature being daily, in a, three Or until twelve months.

dance party

very similar to Just Dance, O player must imitate with perfection the biggest number in possible steps.

For that, you need to use the device as sensor.

For example, iPhone or ipod touch.

Therefore, the Image It is reproduced at the PRAÇA or in Television.

That, through gives airplay technology.

then you can generate several challenges with friends and family.

Since, every session you have 4 devices accessed.

Or if you prefer, you can to participate in disputes with users of whole world.

O app It is free and contains purchases inside app.

Pocket Salsa

For you who like parsley, that app can help you to learn.

O Pocket Salsa contains not only the parsley, like several different rhythms.

In that sense, it contains video classes, what teach O step The step.

Of course we can find several videos similar in YouTube.

However, in this app it's all very well organized per right order To the users who really want learn.

O contents it's super didactic and also explained for two great teachers.

*Pocket Salsa Free It is free and contains in-app purchases app for android.

*Pocket Salsa is paid version available for android and iOS.

Zumba Dance Offline & Online

Created in the decade of 1990, zumba is nothing more than a based program in choreographies.

It's not just one style in dance.

O Zumba Dance Offline & Online contains videos that help you get into form without leaving the rhythm.

That is, the classes are divided in Fitness, trending is for children.

After you do the download From videos, O app allows you to watch them yourself Offline.

that is, when no have access The Internet.

That contents what to download will be available in a separate folder, inside own app.

O application It is free for android.

Stretching Exercises

First of all, it is very important to know that before starting whatever the physical exercise, we have to make a stretching.

Then eat dance is no different.

Furthermore, with the stretching you prevent yourself from scratchs and injuries.

the exercise of Stretching It is the most recommended.

O app contains several moves aimed at whatever your goal.

How to avoid injuries, increase The flexibility or to relieve at pains.

Also, read also:

Apps to change eye color.

See apps for counting calories.

With that, you can to maintain a certain routine in morning, before to sleep what if to exercise.

The moves are guided for the voice, animations and description in text.

Emerging any kind of doubt, you videos will be available for you to help to understand how to make moves correctly.

Now that you know the best dance apps, choose your favorite and get started right now.