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If you haven't created your avatar for share with your friends, or even use profile On your social networks.

So now is the time!

We separate some apps to help you in this transformation.

First, there are apps for android where you can create your custom avatar.

For example, you can include fun hairstyles, clothes and accessories with style.

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Sometimes the image created is the Image of own profile of the person on their social networks.

In other cases also in apps in exchange in posts used by user.

For example, the Whatsapp.

Then we select five apps available for free download.

With them you can create your own avatar.

Or, have fun creating the avatar of your friends.


If you are doing this for the first time, the Dollify it is a app with simple alternatives.

It gathers several items from personalization.

These items are organized into 14 different categories.

Among them, the color in skin with 15 different options and still has 20 possibilities in Colors .

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It's still possible change eyebrows, eyelashes and lips.

In addition, there are other available elements.

As clothes and accessories as glasses, necklaces and toys.

In addition, you can add ears in puppy or kitten, as well as in Snapchat.

a very good thing from dollity is that he offers you a free experience in adverts.

and you still can share O avatar in your social networks.

Factor for Avatar

For you who are a fan of anime, O Factor for Avatar is another option to create your custom avatar.

To unlock the various resources in personalization, the user only has to watch the ads within the application.

Thus, don't spend anything.

when you finish create your avatar, you can still send to your friends.

Or you can also post to your social networks

Bitmoji – Emoji by Bitstrips

When creating your avatar at the Bitmoji, you can share through others apps.

That is, it is a great option for users of other platforms.

For example, Snapchat, facebook, gboard and iMessage.

Or even more world-oriented tools corporate, as slack.

You can choose which style suits you more.

Among them, he surfer avatar or one avatar most elegant.

Besides the Image, your character will appear in several situations many different.

Making the other person understand clearly what you mean.

Avatoon- Avatar Creator & Emoji Me

O Avatoon It has a powerful algorithm facial recognition.

That is, he catch all the facial features to generate a caricature in a few minutes.

In that sense, the app Allows users to let their imaginations run wild.

Creating custom characters and fun.

To generate your avatar it is also allowed to use photos already saved in your gallery.

Soon after, you can change it as you like, changing hair, eyes, clothes and even nose.


Inspired by the stars of k-pop, O application gives that touch of originality in many profiles of social networks.

However, it contains numerous options for personalization.

Also, read also:

Applications to listen to music offline on mobile.

Alternative apps to play Minecraft.

It is possible to choose clothes, hairstyles and several other items to compose your character.

In addition, it may include emojis to be used in your Facebook, Instagram or even in Whatsapp.

or others social networks.

In conclusion, the avatars had an increase Amazing of the popularity of anime.

Therefore, a large number of users created yours.

Take advantage of the options above and don't be left out.