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The filter that makes you younger is successful among users and can be found on FaceApp.

FaceApp is an image editing application developed for Android and iOS (iPhone) users. 

The app uses artificial intelligence to apply effects to the faces of selected images. 

Among the available filters, it is possible to include a smile on the person's face, change gender, age, among others.

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The app went viral on social media when famous and anonymous people started sharing images.

The first shared effect is how older they would be.

However, the tool also offers the opposite option.

That is, the user can use a youth filter to simulate their appearance in adolescence. 

In addition, the app also allows you to save the created image in your phone's gallery.

That way you can share it on social media.

FaceApp has 21 different effects in its free plan.

Among them, the user finds the options to age and rejuvenate. 

However, the app still has several extra features.

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However, only premium users of the app have access to these features.

But if you're not a premium subscriber, don't worry.

With the basic version of the app it is still possible to create several different and fun photos.

And with that in mind, let's teach you step by step how to apply the effect that leaves you younger in the pictures.

Applying the rejuvenate effect

First, you need to download FaceApp on your smartphone.

To do this, just access the app store, either Google Play Store or App Store and search for the app.

After finishing the download, let's start editing the image.

To get started, open the app and tap on the camera icon.

Then, position it and take a selfie. 

If you like the result, just click the Use button.

If you don't like it, just discard the image and take another one, until you like one.

On the next screen, tap on the “Age” option.

At this stage, all available filters for this theme will be presented.

Also read:

Applications to turn photo into drawing.

Get older, simulate now how you will get

In this sense, the app offers two rejuvenation filters.

Thus, both significantly alter the original treated image.

In this way, just select the desired filter and click on it.

Soon after, you will see the result directly on the app screen.

To apply the effect on the chosen photo, just click on the Apply button.

This, of course, after selecting the desired filter.

Once that's done, just save the created image in your phone's gallery.

To do this, tap the arrow icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.

That way, you'll be able to access the image later in your saved photos.

Once this is done, the application will also display quick sharing options on social networks.

You can share your image younger on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, among others.

Using this filter is very easy and simple, right?

The filter that makes you younger has been very successful among users, as it allows you to create different photos.

In addition, you can even compare the result created with your old photos and see if it really is the same.

Take advantage of this tip to create and share your younger image on your social networks.

and make your friends and followers happy.