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Need to take inventory? Or count the same or specific objects? Discover the apps for this and count objects by cell phone.

That way, you can retire the notes and create reports directly on your smartphone.

This will save you time and make the process a lot easier.

In this sense, we separate two apps that allow you to perform this action: one for the Android system and the other for iOS (iPhone).

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First we have the app iScanner, which can be used by users of the iOS system (iPhone).

This application has a very curious feature that can help a lot in management and organization tasks.

In this way, it is possible to count objects using Artificial Intelligence. 

This is a recent app update that offers the ability to count similar objects.

That way, just use the device's camera and artificial intelligence to help with this task.

Also, you can save time when you need to report on certain objects.

That is, counting certain items existing in a location is one of the main functions of this resource. 

O iScanner available for iPads, iPhones, and even the iPod Touch if you run iOS 13.0 or higher).

Counting mode facilitates companies in counting inventory.

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Just as it is also easy to count units of some product on some shelf, for example.

Counting Equal Multiples by iScanner

Using this function is very simple.

First, open the app on your phone and slide the scan function at the bottom of the screen to “Count” mode. 

In the sequence, it is necessary to photograph the place where the objects that you want to count are.

Soon after, adjust the edges of the photo taken, so that all items are in the image area. 

Finally, just click on the option "Tell".

In this step, the AI of the iScanner app is activated to count the objects. 

The scanner scans the image and sums the similar multiples found.

Finally, the app reports the total amount found in the image.

Easy, fast and very simple, there's no mistake.

However, this counting function is only available for Pro subscribers of the app available on the App Store.

The monthly cost is US$ 10 or US$ 20, in the annual plan.


For users of the Android operating system, we present CountThings.

The app is useful for individuals as well as businesses. 


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If you need to count large products and in large quantities, this app is very useful.

But that's not all. 

You can still count several things, including animals too, if you want.

How does CountThings work?

First of all, open the application and select the desired counting model.

Next, position the camera where you want to count and take a picture. 

In this way, the app will count the objects present in the image.

Therefore, when the application finishes counting, each counted item will be marked in the resulting image.

This ensures that no object will be forgotten.

Once the app finishes counting, you can save the images on your devices, share them wherever you want. 

The application will also automatically include the data in a custom form with the counting results.

You can download and try the app for free.

However, to have full access to all features, you need to pay for the package.

Now it's much easier to catalog objects, right?

Then, download the app corresponding to your smartphone and count objects on your cell phone quickly and easily.