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If you want to change the photos you share on social media, a good alternative is clone and duplicate people.

Social networks are used daily to post photos and videos, whether in feed posts or stories. 

However, some effects and edits allow you to make the post more creative and fun. 

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Currently, the possibility of cloning and duplicating a person or object in photos is trending on social media.

In this case, several photo editing applications allow you to perform the editing action. clone and duplicate people.

These applications aim to allow, through their tools, the person in the image to be cloned and duplicated. 

Therefore, it is possible to appear more than once in a single photo. 

To help you create more fun photos, we're going to show you some apps where you can clone and duplicate people and objects.

Ghost Lens AR Fun Movie Maker

O Ghost Lens is available for download for android and on iOS (iPhone) for free. 

This application allows the user to edit photos and videos, applying cuts, filters, among other available tools. 

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However, in addition to this option, the app also offers a tool known as “ghost version”.

In other words, with it the user can create in photos or videos, the illusion that their “ghost version” is by your side.

Split Pic

O Split Pic tIt is also available for free, but only for the Android system, for now.

To duplicate and clone the person in the photo, simply access your smartphone's gallery and select the desired image.

However, it is also possible to take a photo directly through the app, using the cell phone camera. 

After selecting the desired photo, simply start editing the image, where the app has 7 layouts to choose from.

The app also offers more than 10 filters to apply to the image and also adjustments to colors, space, among others.

Finally, if you can't finish editing the image at that moment, you can save the draft in the app's library.

This way, when possible, just access the image and finish editing.

After finishing the edits, you can share the result on your social networks and save the image to the gallery.

Split Camera – Mirror Pic Crop

Split Camera – Mirror Pic Crop has more than 10 layouts in its interface.

This way, the user can even triple the person in the image. 

To make edits, you can take photos directly through the app or select the image from your phone's gallery.

As well as editing the photo, the user can use basic tools such as adjusting colors, moving and rotating the image.

As well as zooming.

Split Camera – Mirror Pic Crop is available for Android and iOS (iPhone) for free.

Clone Camera (Here You Are)

Clone Camera is an application where the user can create montages in which the person can appear several times in a single photo.

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In other words, the app allows you to post a photo with several clones. 

Anyway, editing is very easy to do, just use the tools available in the app and create your clones.

Clone Camera is available for Android and iOS (iPhone) systems for free.

DMD Clone

Lastly, we present the DMD Clone, available only for Android, free of charge. 

Furthermore, the app features a more automated interface, where users do not need to edit each of their photos. 

You are allowed to photograph three to seven images and the app practically edits it itself as you take photos.