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When planning the dreamed wedding it is something that requires time from the couple, as there are many details that must be thought about, especially the wedding list.

From the ceremony location, date, time to the photographer, souvenirs, buffet, groomsmen, decor, gift list, guests... the list of tasks is extensive. 

THE wedding list it is one of the first things that must be resolved, after all, from it, it is possible to define the budget available for the event.

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For many people, especially women, marriage is thought of and dreamed of since childhood and is an expected goal and should be planned carefully. 

And all help is welcome at this time, so that no detail goes unnoticed.

Thinking about making life easier for the future couple, the Wedding list and budget application by Wedbox expenses shows how to create wedding list, budget, among others.

Follow this text and we will help you in how the application can assist and help the bride and groom to plan and organize the wedding.

This one app it can be downloaded onto the cell phone and accessed at any time, whenever it is necessary to carry out some editing or add new information to the list.

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It is important to emphasize that this wedding list created will have to be redone many times, as there is a lot of information and details that arise during the planning process.

To begin with, the ideal is that you create the guest list, because from it it will be possible to determine the wedding budget.

It is advisable to separate the guests by category: family, close friends, work people, parents' guests, college kids, among others. 

For sure, the initial list will be gigantic, as the desire of the bride and groom is to invite all the people close to them.

In this case, it is always important to review the guest list more than once and cut some people. 

Always ask the guest to confirm their presence, in this way, you will avoid unnecessary expenses. 

creating your wedding list and budget by Wedbox expenses

O application that helps to plan the wedding proves to be very innovative and has several functionalities for use. 

The download is available free of charge to Android and iOS (iPhone) operating systems. 

When accessing the app, you will have access to an interactive wedding list, which will help when deciding on the wedding budget. 

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In addition, the app it even has a function that allows couples to make choices together, each on their cell phone. 

O application sends notifications to the bride and groom with all the tasks they need to have a perfect wedding.

O wedbox it has an easy-to-use interface, with explanations about each item present in the available options.

In this way, there will be no difficulties when downloading and using the app

With the tips available at application and also in this text, we hope that the moment of organize your wedding be easier and more fun. 

Machete app download in your smartphone and get rid of the headache you'll have if you forget any details of that important day.