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Upon reaching the age of majority, the desire of most people is to take the long-awaited CNH (National Driver's License) and most are afraid of the theoretical test, to lose fear, get to know the DMV simulation.

The steps to become a qualified driver are several, from payment of fees, physical and psychological aptitude tests as well, theoretical course classes, the theoretical test and after these steps, practical classes and final exam. 

However, before arriving at the practical classes, the future conductor must take the theoretical classes, where several subjects that are essential for the course of the course are presented. 

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And, thinking of helping the driver, the simulated DMV online, which can be accessed by future drivers. 

O simulated online is a study tool for those who want to pass the theoretical test. 

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The simulation basically offers the driver a replica of what happens on the day of the exam, providing content that is covered in the tests and the time available to answer, exactly as it happens on the day of the exam.

The candidate has a maximum time of 40 minutes to answer all the questions of the theoretical test, the same time allowed on the day of the official Detran exam. 

In this way, it is important to carry out the available simulations, so that it is possible to identify if you are aware of the subjects covered and if you are prepared for the official Detran test.

The theoretical exam is of fundamental importance to obtain the license and, through the online simulation, it is possible to ask questions about traffic rules, what is considered an infraction, information about legislation, first aid, among others.

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To pass the theoretical test of the Detran, the future driver must have at least 21 correct answers. 

If you cannot get the required minimum right, you can repeat the exam after 15 days.

The theoretical course consists of 45 classes that are carried out in order to prepare candidates for the Detran theoretical exam. 

Each class lasts 50 minutes and is held in person. 

Some of the contents covered in the classes are: Traffic legislation, defensive driving, 

first aid, vehicle mechanics, among others.

According to the law, each subject has a number of questions in the test, which must be determined according to the class hours.

Therefore, usually the Detran tests have a total of about 30 questions, divided as follows:

Traffic legislation – 18 questions;

Defensive driving – 5 questions;

First Aid – 3 questions;

Citizenship and environment – 2 questions;

Basic vehicle mechanics – 2 questions

A material with all the content covered during the theoretical course is made available to the student, to facilitate the study. 

It is important and necessary to understand and study all the content available, in this way, there is a greater guarantee that the driver will have a good performance at the time of the test.

If the student fails one of the exams, he/she must pay a fee to retake the exam. 

This value always varies from one driving school to another and, in some cities, the value can exceed 150% of the fee.

To access the simulation and test your knowledge, access and read the recommendations at the top of the page to start your test. 

When you answer all the questions and finish the test, the final grade will be presented for your knowledge.

So, before booking your theory test, take advantage of this online mock opportunity to test your knowledge and score on the day of the official exam.