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In recent years, people have sought the option of bariatric surgery laparoscopic and, in Brazil, the search for bariatric surgery by SUS had a considerable increase. 

According to registered data, around 100,000 bariatric surgeries are performed per year in Brazil. 

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But what is the laparoscopic bariatric surgery and how to achieve this procedure by SUS (Unified Health System)? Let's explain. 

THE bariatric surgery It is indicated and performed in patients who have serious health problems due to being overweight (obesity in most cases) and who are unable to lose weight through diets or physical exercises. 

The procedure basically consists of causing changes in the digestive system, and can completely limit the amount of food ingested by the person and, or, reduce the ability of nutrients to enter the body.

The procedure of laparoscopic bariatric surgery It is less invasive than traditional surgery. 

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The surgery involves fewer cuts and the patient's recovery is up to 50% faster in most cases.

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In open surgery, a cut is made in the patient's abdomen, which varies from 15 to 30 cm, while in videolaparoscopy 5-6 holes are made, from half to one centimeter each. 

In addition, it is considered safer, because it has a smaller chance of creating a hernia or even creating a wound, in addition to not leaving a scar and not requiring the use of an abdominal strap. 

However, the procedure is not cheap, as it is necessary to pay for hospitalization, medical staff and anesthetist costs.

And for those who want to make the bariatric surgery, it is possible to request the same by SUS (Unified Health System). Let's explain how.

First of all, it is necessary to know that the surgery is available at SUS provided that the interested person has exhausted all clinical treatment alternatives (behavioral measures and drugs) against obesity.

The first step to getting a laparoscopic bariatric surgery through SUS is to go through a consultation at the health center where you are registered.

To do this, just take an original document with a photo and your SUS card.

In this consultation, the doctor in charge will evaluate your case and request some tests.

With the test results in hand, the doctor will analyze the result and fill out the application for the surgery be authorized.

However, even with the doctor's request in hand, the surgery will not be performed immediately, as the patient will have to join the waiting list for the surgery and the waiting time can take from months to years.

In addition, it is necessary to comply with the requirements demanded by the Ministry of Health: 

  • Be at least 16 years old;
  • The patient's BMI must be greater than or equal to 40;
  • It is also necessary to undergo evaluation by a multidisciplinary medical team, which includes medical, nutritional and psychological follow-up.

After the surgery is scheduled, the patient must undergo the preoperative period at the UBS, where the professional will talk and clearly explain how this procedure works. 

on the day of bariatric surgery, the patient must be forwarded one hour in advance to the place where it will be performed.

The recovery is initially done in the hospital with the monitoring of professionals in the area.

Upon being discharged, the patient continues the post-operative procedure at home, strictly following the medical guidelines. 

The responsible SUS team will indicate to the patient the performance of physical activities and diets that complement the lack of absorption of nutrients in the body, caused by the surgery.