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You know those stories you liked and want to save, even if they belong to someone else, see how save Facebook stories.

saw a story from a known friend Facebook and would like to save on your cell phone? Don't worry, this action is possible and easy to do. 

Currently, the option post stories is available through Instagram and also in Facebook and this functionality is fever among users of social networks.

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From stories, you can share photos, videos, images with music, messages and different moments of your life. 

Read too:

How to save cell phone battery.
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But, what about that one? story that your friend posted and you want to save? It's possible? Yes, you can perform this action and we will explain how.

save the facebook stories on mobile It is a simple procedure that can be done in android and not iOS (iPhone).

But they are different methods in each operating system.

On smartphones with operating system android, it is necessary to carry out the procedure through the application save story for facebook stories to be able to download videos from the stories of social network

Already on cell phones apple, the user can use a trick with the screen recording tool available on the smartphone itself to save the stories on the camera roll. 

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Check below how save facebook stories on your cell phone. 

How to save Facebook stories on Android

Step 1. Go to Play Store from your cell phone and do the download of app Save Story for Facebook.

Step 2: Open the app save story for facebook stories and tap “Log in with Facebook”.

inform your email and password of Facebook for access to the app to be allowed.

Step 3: After the Login, click on the icon Stories to view stories published by your friends list.

When locating the stories desired, touch it to open;

Step 4: With the story opened, touch the colon icon, located in the lower right corner of the screen, and select the option “Download”.

At this point, you must allow the app to store the download held in your gallery.

Step 5: Access your smartphone's photo gallery and locate the downloaded video in a folder created automatically by the application, with the name “Pictures”.

How to Save Facebook Stories on iPhone

Step 1: Slide the mobile screen to open the iPhone Control Center.

Then just tap on the circular button for start recording the screen;

Step 2: With the rolling recording, access the facebook app on your phone and tap the story you want to record to open it;

Step 3: Watch the story until the end for the cell phone to make the full video recording.

At the end of the recording, just access the Control Center and click on it Red button to close it;

Step 4: To locate the recording, go to your camera roll and see the story recorded in full.

You can tap “To edit” to cut the beginning and the end of recording

Ready🇧🇷 Now you can save the stories of your friends on your cell phone, to watch whenever you want.