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Did you know that you can change the music that plays when you receive a WhatsApp call? We'll show you how to do it, watch it to the end and see how put music on whatsapp call.

It's almost unanimous: the first thing you do when you buy a new cell phone is change the default ringtone and put your song favorite.

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Whether it's the ringtone of incoming calls or the alarm clock, there's nothing like hearing your favourite music receiving a call or even waking up in the morning to go to work.

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After all, when you use your cell phone a lot and receive calls daily, that ringtone ends up staying in your mind and, many times, you get tired of hearing it.

Currently, the Whatsapp is one of the most popular and most used apps worldwide.

So, nothing fairer than having your favourite music configured, so that receiving calls or hearing the alarm clock in the morning is more pleasant.

Currently, the Whatsapp is one of the most popular and most used apps worldwide.

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And due to recent updates, today it is possible, in addition to sending audio messages, chatting through stickers, gifs and even making video calls or calls through the application.

Just be connected to the internet, either WiFi or Data package, to access these features.

However, what few people know is that the Whatsapp also allows you to customize your favorite music when receiving calls through the app.

It is worth mentioning, however, that the tutorial available in this text is only for system configurations. android.

The same does not apply to the system iOS (iphone).

And then curious to know how customize your whatsapp ringtone? Just read the text until the end and we will teach you, it's easy, fast and requires few touches.

First, to add a music to whatsapp as a touch, it is necessary that this song be saved in your cell phone files.

Thus, the application will be able to recognize the ringtone as valid through its format (MP3, WAV, MP4, among others).

To do this, go to the “Settings" from your cell phone and select the option “sounds” and "Settings" and then select “Touch”.

Choose option “add ringtone” or click the “+” in the upper right corner of the screen. 

All songs saved on your cell phone will be displayed.

Enough select the song of your choice and add it to your wish list. ring tones

Finished this procedure, it is enough now set the music in your touch of Whatsapp

Check out the step-by-step guide below. activate this setting in your messaging app: 

  • Access the Whatsapp and click on the option settings
  • Select option “Notifications” and scroll down to “Touch” in the Call settings;
  • Probably the option "default ringtone” will be selected, so the last song added as your mobile ringtone, it will automatically be your mobile ringtone.
  • If this option is not selected, just choose the music manually, as it will be in the list of displayed ringtones.
  • Once this is done, it is now possible to have your favorite song as the main ringtone for calls Whatsapp.

Did you know it's possible change the ringtone of calls from Whatsapp? If you didn't know, now you've learned the whole step by step, just select your favourite music and configure to receive your calls.