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Do you want to remove the background of the photo but don't know how? We will help you, see 4 apps for remove photo background.

You know that photo you took and it was wonderful, whether in the colors, lighting, framing, but the background wasn't it cool?

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Did you ruin the image you had because you didn't have time to fix it? simply because the location didn't help?

Who hasn't been through this, right? Fortunately, today it is possible remove photo background or even exclude a person from it through the famous apps available for cell

We know that images always attract attention, whether in an ad for a product you want to sell, a plate of food or even a photo of you that you want to reveal to save and remember the moment.

See too:

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But if the background of the photo is not to your liking, you end up giving up.

Through these applications that we are going to indicate, you will be able to solve this problem. 

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See the 4 free apps to remove image background

1. Scratch Photos

Application available for iOS (IPHONE) and android no cost to download, the Scratch Photos is an app created with a simple goal: to help e-commerce entrepreneurs quickly edit their images.

The app is very simple to use, besides being functional, it is able to scan and remove photo background more complex.

In addition to remove image background, the application allows replace the background by others of your choice.

2. Adobe Photoshop Mix

This app has editing features of the Photoshop, where you can remove photo background or even substitute him.

It also allows you to perform edits such as adjust colors or filters in the image.

In addition, it is possible share your creations and changes to the social networks.

Available for free download android and iOS (iphone).

3. Background Eraser, by HandyCloset Inc.

O Background Eraser has as main function remove photo background and let it transparent automatically. To do this, just select the background and have the app erase it.

Very simple and easy, it is also available for system android and iOS (Iphone) and at no cost. 

4. PhotoLayers

Finally, we indicate the PhotoLayers, which is more of an application free for android and iOS (Iphone), where you get remove photo background desired. This application comes with a feature different from the others: you can make montages on the images, such as, for example, cut a person from a photo and place them in front of a tourist spot of your choice.

You can also perform photomontages with up to 11 photos of your choice and share the result in your social networks.

With so many easy options, you have no more excuses to post photos with a poorly worked background.

These applications are very useful, even for those who have a virtual store, since the images are the gateway for the customer to seek to know more about your business.

Enough choose the app that you more liked (in addition to the ones listed here, there are many others available).

After downloading, select your images and get to work!