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Can you imagine paying off that old debt that is getting in the way of getting a credit card, a loan or even financing? As Serasa Clean Name We'll show you how to do it.

O Serasa Clean Name is an action carried out by the debt trading platform of the serasa, which gives you opportunities to pay off your debts with up to 90% discounts.

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Your debt can also be paid in installments at a discount, with installments that fit in your pocket, from R$ 9.90 per month, a great opportunity, isn't it?

Now to get rid of your old debts it's easier, the Serasa Clean Name will help you and we'll show you how.

In order for you to pay off that debt that is hindering you from getting your Card, Loan or even Financing, the company that will receive the payment must be part of the more than 50 action participants.

Among those companies that could be negotiated the debts are Casas Bahia, Crefisa, Bradesco, Renner, Avon, Itaú, Oi, Santander, Vivo, Riachuelo, Tim and so on.

There are more than 50 companies participating in the action, with the aim of paying off their debts and reducing the damage they had.

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After joining the program Serasa Clean Name, as soon as you pay the debts or the first installment of the renegotiation, the deadline for the debt to leave your CPF is up to 5 business days.

It is worth mentioning that if you paid everything correctly, paid both in cash and in installments and you have already paid the first installment and your CPF has not left the restriction, look for the company you negotiated for further clarification.


You will be able to negotiate almost all your debts, whose company that is in debt is participating in the action of the Serasa Clean Name, if the company is in the action of the serasa, it will be possible to negotiate any debt, even if it has not yet been negative.

However, it is not possible to negotiate protests, bad checks or bankruptcies.

See too:

How to Apply for a Low Score Credit Card.

Consult the Salary Allowance calendar.

Only debts in stores can be negotiated, such as credit cards, installment plans and telephone plans (Cellular and Landline) and some others.

If the company that is in debt is not in the action program of the serasa, you should look for the company and try to formally negotiate directly with them, if the company is not part, the serasa will not negotiate.


If you are interested in the action of the Serasa Clean Name, everything can be done virtual, you just need to have access to the internet, have a cell phone, tablet or even a computer, and follow the step-by-step instructions that we are going to show you.

  • You must go to the “Serasa Clean Name”, where you can also consult your outstanding debts.
  • You will need to inform your personal data to register, such as RG, CPF and some others that you can ask for on the Site;
  • After registering, you must complete the Login in the website;
  • Once you enter the platform, you must check that the debts shown are all correct;

If everything is correct, you must choose the best payment method, which can be paid in cash or in installments.

Where a ticket will be issued to you, in your name and can be paid over the internet directly into your account.

After making the payment of the generated slip, wait a maximum period of 5 working days for the payment to be withdrawn. debt from your CPF.

Remembering that the offers available are within 24 hours, after this period the value may change.

To access the “Serasa Clean Name” click HERE.

You can also regularize your CPF by WhatsApp, through the number (11) 98870-7025, this number also serves for more information.