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Your Guarantee Fund now it no longer needs to be consulted only in the agencies of the Federal Savings Bank, you can check your balance FGTS on mobile now.

We will help you how to check your balance, how you can withdraw, and even about the new anniversary withdrawal.

All those who work or have worked with a formal contract and have never touched their Guarantee Fund (FGTS), you can check your balance without leaving your home, using your own cell phone.

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It has become much easier, faster and more practical to carry out this consultation, which before had a certain bureaucracy and work of going to an agency of the Federal Savings Bank, today it is no longer necessary.

Today, it is also possible to make your transfer through the application itself, which we will show you below.

In addition to seeing your balance, you can transfer it to your account, take a statement, in short, it is much more practical.


FGTS It is a balance in which the worker's salary is saved every month, in order to be able to help in a possible dismissal or even in the case of retirement.

In case of dismissal, a support to keep your accounts up to date, until you get another job.

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In the case of retirement, an amount that will meet some needs, and also help to maintain it, as an extra income next to the amount received for retirement.

It is worth noting that this amount deposited is linked to an account in the name of the worker, at the Federal Savings Bank.


Redeeming your balance is simple, everything can be done through the application itself. INSS, there you will have the option to check your balance, if you are included in the birthday serve, and also to be able to make a bank transfer of its value.

In this application you will be able to enter your bank details, to carry out the transfer, or even request the withdrawal at a branch of Federal Savings Bank.

It is worth mentioning that the FGTS can also be used as a down payment when you buy your home, directly through Federal Savings Bank, a good alternative and help at this very important moment.


To check your balance FGTS, you will need internet access, and you can use your cell phone or tablet to make the query, if you prefer, you can also do it from your computer directly on the website of Federal Savings Bank.

To download the app, just go to your app gallery on your Playstore (Android) or App store (IOS) and look for the app FGTS.

Just download the application and then register in it, it will ask for some personal data such as, Full name, CPF, Date of Birth, email and create an access password.

After entering your personal data, you will have some questions to answer, in fact, just mark the correct one, you need to pay close attention, as there may be a prank on the name of a company.


How to get DPVAT Insurance.

Consult the PIS/PASEP calendar on your cell phone.

In case of doubt regarding the name of the company, or corporate name of the company you worked for, consult your Work Card.

After everything is registered correctly, you will receive a link sent in your email that has been registered.


To check your balance FGTS without using the app, it's simple and fast too, just go to the Federal Savings Bank and look for the tab “More about the FGTS”, on this tab will ask for your personal data, and create a password.

After creating the account with the password, just access the menu and see the option you want, you can even take a statement from your account, you can choose the period you want and everything else, the file can even be downloaded to your computer, or just check it on the screen.

With these new research models, everything is much easier to check your balance without leaving home, isn't it?

For more information or questions, visit the website of Federal Savings Bank, or contact us by phone 0800-726-0207.